Page 106 of Tough Love
Fuck life.Fuck Tristan.
Fuck every shitty decision I’ve made that’s led to this.
“Hmm?” My chin dimples, but for some reason I can’t cry. The tears just aren’t there anymore. All I have is nothing. A gaping void of nothing.
“Did you hear what the doctor said?”
Shit, kid.“No, buddy,” I say, my voice breaking. “I didn’t.” I can’t.
“He said we can go see Officer Evan now.”
“Huh?” I look between Briar, who’s leant away from me so he can see my face, and the doctor.
I can’t handle this right now; his lifeless body, the heartache, the injustice of it. I’m not sure if I caneversee him like that.
“He asked if you were here,” the doctor says, his hands clasped before him.
“Who did?”
“Evan.” His eyes narrow as though he’s seriously concerned about my state of mental health.
I don’t blame him—I’mconvinced I’ve lost the plot.
“He’s okay?”
“That’s what I said,” he presses gently. “There were some complications, but he’s stable.”
Well, shit. Sign me up then. “What room is he in?” I ask as I stand, setting Briar down on his feet beside me.
“No room, yet; we’re waiting for confirmation which one is free. But he’s right through here.”
The doctor waits for me to gather my coat, and then guides us through the sealed doors to the rows of beds in the ER. I pass by concerned parents over their sick child, an elderly couple smiling at one another as they talk, and a lonely guy staring solemnly at the ceiling, before we pass the curtain that cements my hopes and wishes.
Evan’s okay. Well, as okay as you can be for having a knife stabbed straight into your abdomen. But he’s alive, and that’s all that counts.
“Babe …” He smiles, turning his hand that contains the IV line over so his palm faces up.
I take it in mine, running my thumb up the side of his hand as Briar gets comfy on the single chair beside his bed. “I honestly thought …” The tears choke my words, forcing them back down into my throat.
“Can’t get rid of me that easy.”
The doctor clears his throat, moving to the opposite side of the bed from me. “As soon as we have a bed free to transfer you to, Mr North, I’ll be back to let you know. Until then, the nurses will come in and check on you periodically. If you have any concerns, please use the call button.” His compassionate gaze drifts to me. “Miss Harris.” With a curt nod, he’s gone.
“What did they say?” I ask Evan, as soon as the curtain falls closed behind him.
He coughs, clearing his throat, and I reach for the plastic cup of water with the straw protruding from it. Evan drinks slowly, and then rests his head back as he simply stares at me, and then Briar.
“I’m so glad you’re both okay.”
“Shouldn’t I be telling you that?” I ask with a gentle laugh.
He hums a little, his eyes so bright despite how pale his skin is, how dark the circles under his eyes. He looks like complete and utter hell, and yet, he’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him.
“How are you, Briar?” Evan asks, his eyes drifting closed.
He swings his legs on the seat, eyeing the machines beside the bed. “Okay.”