Page 45 of Existential
“Really appreciate you doin’ this for me, man.”
King nods his acceptance, looking across to where one of his newer members, Dog, helps my sister onto the back of his bike. Dagne stands beside King’s ride, looking as lost as a lamb in snow.
“We’ve got plenty of places they can fall off the radar for a while without havin’ to be completely hidden if the clubhouse gets too risky.” He turns his dark gaze on me. “Do I ask where I can find you?”
“I’ll keep in touch,” I say. “Unsure what way I’ll head, yet.”
A prospect unloads an unmarked bike from the back of a van for me. King nods toward the kid. “Figured if I brought the new blood, they’d be the last ones to get grilled by the sheriffs. Even if they are questioned and broken, they won’t have enough from being here to lead anyone in your direction.”
“I owe you big time.” I reach out and pull King in for a clinch.
“Brother, you’ve done more than enough to repay this tenfold over the years.” He pats me on the back and pulls away, one hand lingering on my shoulder. “Consider it a favor to start repaying my debts.”
The prospect parks the naked bike beside mine, which in contrast is emblazoned with a large Aces logo each side. “Make sure he’s gentle on her,” I say as the kid starts wheeling my bike into the van.
“I’ll make sure he gives her the same respect as his mother,” King says with a smile.
I head across to Dagne as King moves to help the prospect tie my bike down. She gives me a weak smile as I approach, her hands wrapped over that woven bag she keeps close to her side.
“You’ll get a ride up to Lincoln, and from there King will organize somewhere for you to stay and maybe some work if you want it.”
Her gaze drops to the floor, the smile long faded.
“I know you want to keep moving, Dagne, but just let me do this for you.”
“Why?” She lifts her gaze, hands tight around the strap of her bag.
I falter under her scrutiny, unsure why myself I want to keep her close. Something about knowing she’s within reach, within contact, keeps me settled. The thought of using her like this and then just spitting her back out into the world to fare it alone sends my blood racing.
“Every now and then you cross paths with somebody you’re fated to meet,” I explain. “You don’t know it at the time, why you’ve been thrust into a situation with this person who’s a complete stranger, but down the line it makes sense. I guess I’m hopin’ that my instincts are right, and this is one of those times.”
As wary as she looks, she nods, glancing over to King who hesitates a respectable distance away. I check on Mel, and find her in position behind Dog, waiting on the signal to go.
My heart quickens; it’s too fast. I wanted more time with Dagne, to have her open up more about what hurt her. But life’s a fickle bitch, and time is a resource we never appreciate until it’s gone.
“Hang around until I get back, okay?”
She frowns, probably wondering why it matters. “I’ll try.”
“No.” I shake my head, closing the space between us. “You will.”
Her eyes are wide, the heat of her breath warm on the base of my neck. Thoughts of how snugly she fits into my front, fleet through my mind, visions of her in my arms, beside me wherever I may lay my head for the night. The future is here, right in front of me, and I can’t explain how I know that. I just do.
She has to see it as well.
Why else would her hand lift to gently rest against my chest? Why else would she swallow thickly, craning her neck to meet my gaze dead on? Her cheeks flush, and she curls one side of her lips up in a shy smile.
“Take care, Hooch.”
I lift the hand against my chest to my lips and kiss her knuckles. “You too, fairy.”
“Just kiss the damn woman and get it over and done with,” King mutters as he walks behind her to mount his bike.
I chuckle, noticing the sparkle in Dagne’s eyes despite the fact her face has turned beet red. “Don’t worry about him. He’s frustrated becau—”