Page 142 of Tormented
Being official turns out to be a huge deal for Sawyer. He insisted after we cemented our status in my room that I won’t go anywhere without him ever again.
And he hasn’t been wrong.
I shower, he’s there. I eat, he’s there. I duck out to the garage, and there he is mere seconds later to check on me.
I kind of like it.
I’ve never had someone want to spend time with me like that before. It’s a new feeling, one that took me a day or two to adjust to, but I’m getting the hang of it.
“Today’s the big day,” Sawyer announces out of the blue as he absently strokes my shin.
We’re on opposite ends of one of the sofas, my legs over his lap as I read Alice in Wonderland. He insisted that was where I started when it came to catching up on childhood staples that I missed out on.
I know what he talks about. Shit, the butterflies in my gut know what he talks about.
The final showdown with Daddy.
“What time do you go?”
I pretend it doesn’t affect me, bury my nose in the book and end up reading the same paragraph six times over.
“I’m not going to lie.” I set the book aside on the floor, and then crawl over so I’m sitting beside Sawyer, facing him. “It makes me nervous.”
“You’d be one coldhearted bitch if it didn’t.”
I reach out, cupping his neck with my palm. “He almost killed you once, and knowing those are the chances you have again, while I’m stuck here waiting it out?” I shake my head. “It’s going to be the death of me whatever happens.”
“Come with me.”
I frown, tempted to place the back of my hand to his brow and check his temperature.
“You know I wouldn’t be allowed.” Women aren’t involved in business unless it’s completely necessary and entirely unavoidable.
He smirks. “Babe, I wouldn’t let one pretty inch of you past his gates.”
“What did you mean then?” Come with me? Don’t?
“I meant I want you there when I walk back out.”
“If you walk back out.”
He lifts a hand to pinch my chin. “When I walk out, I’m goin’ to be fuckin’ high on life and wantin’ to celebrate that with my girl.”
“And I’ll be right here,” I assure him. “Waiting. Impatiently.”
“Too far away. It’ll take me fuckin’ hours to get back here.”
“Your point?”
“That wouldn’t wait.” He gestures to his lap.
“Oh, pretty boy. Are you horny just thinking about it?” I tease.
“What you goin’ to do to fix it?”
I level his hard gaze, narrowing my eyes also. “Anything you want.”
My ass leaves the sofa in a whirl as he scoops me up on the way off himself. “I’m holdin’ you to that.”
“Good. Now get us upstairs.”