Page 135 of Tormented
“Thank you.”
Sawyer frowns, looking away from where we’d both been watching Sonya fuss over Grace.
“You don’t need to say thanks, Abbey-girl.”
I slip my hand in his, ignoring the residual tingles that remain from years of avoiding interaction. “I want to.”
He shrugs. “Babe, it was just one of those things you do for people you love.”
I cock my head a little. “Pardon?”
“I said, it’s just one of those things you do.” He gives my hand a tug, crashing my body against his.
I don’t miss the cheeky smirk from King over Sawyer’s shoulder.
“I meant the other part,” I say, returning my gaze to the crisp blue eyes that set my soul alight.
“What?” He smiles, eyes roving my face. “The part where I said ‘for people you love’?”
“Yeah,” I reply. “That part.”
A rumble sounds from deep in his chest. “You like that bit?”
“It might have made me feel a little special,” I tease.
He lifts a hand to brush the hair from my neck. “You are special.”
I sigh, relaxing into his hold as he places a firm kiss just below my ear.
“What now then?”
I shrug, leaning back so I can see his face properly. “I truly don’t know. I mean . . . .” He waits patiently while I try to put my tangled emotions into words. “You took away the monster under my bed.”
His lips curl up on one side, and I find myself smiling in response.
“Can I be the monster in your bed?”
The spark in his eyes, the smile on his lips, it brings weightlessness to my chest I can’t remember ever feeling before. I tip my head back in pure joy, and fucking well laugh without fear of what anyone thinks.
Because damn it all, I feel great.
And I think it’s long overdue that I do.
“Is that a yes?” he asks.
He grumbles again, the sound doing strange things to me deep down inside. “Hold that thought.”
I step back and watch as he crosses the room to where King talks with Callum beside Sonya and Grace.
The minute we stepped through the doors, the people I truly admire sprang into action as they always do. Nobody questioned why we chose to bring Grace back to the clubhouse, nobody appeared put out that we had a child who needed help finding her way home. They simply pulled together and each played their part in doing what the Fallen Aces do best—taking care of the people who need it most, the innocent ones.