Page 51 of Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
“She left town before they died. And I don’t think she ever came back. Summer and her cousin are going to try to figure out what happened, but they’re going to try to be discreet.”
“Wait.” He narrowed his eyes. “Summer…Summer Butler?From thatGotcha!show?”
“Yeah, she’s a PI now. Has her own reality show with it.”
His eyes flashed with panic. “Do you think that’s really a good idea?”
“I’m not going to be on her show. And the other guy was a creep. Belinda really wanted to go with Summer and Dixie, and she was the one who set up the interview. Besides, they both signed NDAs before we even asked them to. Summer’s used to being hounded by paparazzi and she hates it. She says it will be a circus if they find out she’s taken my case.” I made a face. “Ourcase. Belinda’s paying for it. I suggested just letting it go, but Belinda wants to know what happened. She says Tilly deserves to know too.”
He rubbed his chin, seeming to mull things over. “Yeah, that makes sense. How are you doin’ with all of this?”
“Honestly? I’m a mess.”
“Then just come home.”
How could I not smile at that? “I love yousomuch. But I need a couple of days away from Franklin. And you could use a couple of days without me moping around.”
“You’re not mopin’ around, Mags,” he murmured. “And I miss you. Period.”
“I miss you too,” I said, my voice husky. “When I come home, we’ll have a huge celebration. We’ll go out to dinner.”
He looked at me with worried eyes. “I don’t know, Mags. People will recognize you.”
“Why am I hiding away like I did something wrong?” I snapped. “Why doIhave to hide? I’m the victim here, yet I’m acting like I’m the criminal. To hell with the rest of the world.”
He grinned. “That’s my girl.”
“I’ve gotten a little lost, Colt,” I said, deflating, and the tears rose up once again.
“I know,” he said with so much love in his eyes, it stole my breath. “But I never doubted you’d find your way back to me.”
I blinked, setting loose a tear. “I’m so proud of you.”
“For gettin’ an agent?” he asked with a teasing grin. “Shoot. That’s nothin’. But you faced monsters and screamed in their faces. Sure, you got sucked down into the mud, but you’re climbing your way out of it. Just remember I’m here to give you a hand anytime you need it.”
I bit my lower lip, trying not to break down. “Thank you for sticking with me through this.”
He released a soft laugh. “Hell, Mags. You say it like it was hard. Are you shittin’ me? The moment you told me you love me, you made me the luckiest man alive.” He leaned closer. “Love means bein’ there through the good times and bad. We’ve had plenty of bad, so we’re due for a truckload of good. I promise you, Maggie Mae. Itwillget better.”
I nodded. “Yeah. I believe that.”
For the first time in a long time, I really did.
Chapter Twenty
Dixie was sitting at her desk when I walked through the office door. She looked me over and lifted a brow. “Where are the cookies?”
“Cool your jets,” Luke said, walking in a few seconds behind me, carrying a cardboard box. “I’ve got them.”
Dixie leaned back, looking at me with a teasing grin. “So youdidremember.”
“It was impossible to forget,” I said with a hand on my hip. “You sent me five texts last night and two this morning.”
Dixie got out of her seat and walked around her desk. “We both know that if we’re going to show up at these ladies’ homes, we’re gonna need to bring a gift.”
Luke set the box on my desk and flashed a toothy grin. “We have twenty plates, so that should get you through the day.”