Page 336 of A Merry Mountain Christmas
Lee spread them out on the table, staring at them with a blank expression. The photos depicted a couple in the throes of passion, in varying states of undress, but it was obvious the woman was Victoria and the man was Prescott.
“I see.” Clearing his throat, Lee got to his feet. He glanced off toward the living room, and Jack followed his gaze, not surprised that Maisie was nowhere in sight. They’d both agreed that Jack should be the one to handle this. Alone.
Lee started toward the front door.
“Where are you going, Lee?” Jack asked, concerned.
“I need to think.”
“But you don’t have a car. Let me drive you to the hotel.”
Lee started to speak, then clenched his fists and released a bitter laugh. “That is the last place I need to go.”
Jack understood that. “Then let me take you to the house.”
“And tell our sisters about all of this?” Panic filled his eyes. “Do they know?”
“No,” Jack said, catching on to how Lee had called themour sisters. “No. We recorded that last night. I tried to come straight to you to let you know, but you weren’t in any condition to hear it.”
Lee stared absently in the direction of the fireplace. “I’d noticed things that were off, but Dad always dismissed them. Dismissedme.”
The word was bitter, and Jack wondered what kind of emotional abuse Lee had endured trying to gain their father’s approval.
“I’m sorry, Lee.”
Lee’s gaze swung toward him. “Why’d you tell me this? Why not go to Addy and Georgie and have a good laugh over how stupid I am?”
“Addy and Georgie would never do that. They’ll be worried sick. As for me, again, that’s not my style. You may have been an asshole to me, but you definitely don’t deserve this. I don’t know what kind of legal trouble your father’s in, but you can try to save yourself. Maybe go to the authorities and turn state’s evidence or something.”
“Turn on my dad?” Lee asked in disbelief.
“Lee, he’s already turned onyou.”
He stared at Jack for another long second, then nodded. “Right.”
And Lee opened the door and walked out.
Maisie’s heart gave a satisfied thump as Einstein padded into the kitchen after Jack. When had Einstein ever left her for anyone? Jack had won him over thoroughly, it seemed.
You and me both, Ein.
Once the brothers were settled in the kitchen, she went upstairs, Chaco cradled in her arms, and headed to her bedroom. She left the door open a crack so she’d hear if the bad news sent Lee into some sort of ballistic rage. Not that Jack would need her help defending himself—those arms would protect him better than the baseball bat behind her bed—but even so. She’d whip that bat out if she needed to. Lee might be Jack’s family, but she didn’t trust him.
In the meantime, she figured she’d call Molly.
Her sister had already texted her this morning, even though it was only something like eight o’clock in Seattle.You’re killing me. Literally killing me. I need to know what’s happening??
Which was a bit much considering Maisie had sent her several text updates the previous night, fromSo, I see what you mean about having sex against a doortoOMG, Jack’s brother just puked on Blue’s shoes.But her little sister had always liked a good story, even before she’d become a blogger, and truth betold, she felt a powerful urge to see Molly’s face. The previous day had changed her in ways she hadn’t thought a single day could. It had felt…transformative, and she wanted to talk it out.
She set up her laptop on the desk near the window and dialed Molly, Chaco resting her paws on the edge of the desk as if she wanted to take part in the conversation. It came as no surprise when Molly answered right away.
“Thank God you called me, Chaco,” she said with a wicked grin. “I was beginning to feel neglected. You love your aunt Molly, don’t you?”
Chaco wagged her tail agreeably. She and Molly had actually never met—it had been much too long since Molly had come home, and Chaco was a recent addition—but they’d become steadfast video chat buddies.
“Should I leave the two of you alone?” Maisie asked, though she couldn’t help but grin back.