Page 15 of A Merry Mountain Christmas
Oh… “Let me guess, is he tall, dark, and handsome?”
“Is he ever,” he says, but he doesn’t sound all that pleased about it.
“Is that not a good thing?” I gasp. “Oh, is he not gay?”
“He’s definitely gay,” he says. “Unless he goes around kissing men for some other reason.”
“He kissed you?” If it comes out as a squeak, it’s because this is the most exciting thing that’s happened since I turned orange.
“Yes,” he sighs.
“Why is this a bad thing if he’s tall and dark and handsome?”
“It’s just…it happened months and months ago, when Rowan and Oliver visited Asheville.”
“Full story, now,” I say, grabbing his hand and leading him over to what looks like a fainting couch. We both sit, and we probably have identical grimaces when we sink into the upholstery, which feels as comfortable as plastic.
“So,” Harry says, shuffling his feet a little more, then he sets his elbows on his knees and cradles his head in his hands. “I went out for a drink with them, and we were all having a good time, except it kind of felt like there was thisvibebetween Oliver and me. Then, when Rowan went to the bathroom, Oliver gives me a look and says, ‘We’re finally alone.’ And I say, ‘So what are you going to do about it?’ which was a lot better than I usually respond in situations like that. And then hekissedme.”
“That sounds incredible,” I say, getting excited. Even though I’m the main contestant on a dating show, it’s way more romantic than anything that’s happened to me. Except…
“Wait, why didn’t anything happen between you after that? That’s a pretty epic build up. It’s the sort of story a person would tell at an anniversary party.”
He sits back up. “Don’t tell anyone this. Not even Tina.”
I make the sign of the cross.
“Are you Catholic?”
“No, but it makes for a powerful statement, doesn’t it?”
He shrugs. “Okay. So, I’d had fettuccine alfredo for dinner. I’m lactose intolerant, and I have a nervous stomach when I get anxious.”
“Harry,” I say slowly. “Are you telling me what I think you’re telling me?”
He heaves an unhappy sigh that suggests my imagination is on point. “Yes. He kissed me, and it was the best kiss I’d had in I don’t even know how long, and then I released noxious gas.Loudly.”
“What did you do next?” I ask, completely caught up in the story.
“What do you think I did?” he asks, getting up from the couch and starting to pace. He throws his hands up. “I ran!”
“What’d you say the next time you saw him?”
“I haven’t seen him!” he says, pausing to look at me. There’s a glint of panic in his eyes.
“What do you mean you haven’t seen him? Don’t you live with Rowan? I thought this guy was his best friend?”
“He is!” Harry says. “Do you know how hard it’s been to avoid him? But I can’t avoid him forever, and you want a taste of Christmas, so…”
“So you think it’ll be easier if you have a friend with you.”
“Yes,” he says. “And I want you there enough that I’m willing to risk my job to make it happen. Will you come?”
“You asked Harry to come?” Oliver asks. There’s a weird expression on his face, like he’s not sure whether to be pissed or pleased by my failure to mention that until this exact moment. We’re standing at the tail end of my truck in the lot of Ralph’s Trees, Oliver having parked his Subaru across from me. He rubs his goatee thoughtfully. “Does he know I’m going to be here?”