Page 89 of Trouble Comes in Threes
“Because Austin saw the guy shot in the head,” Jed said. “The guy they found was shot in the back.”
I took several breaths, trying to ground myself. The vision I’d had of Austin popped into my head. “It wasn’t Austin’s friend, was it? I think they shot Austin in the back in my vision.” I knew they would have told me differently, had it been Austin.
“No,” Jed assured me. “Dermot picked the kid up, and he’s hangin’ out with Austin at a safe house.”
“Did Dermot learn anything else about the murder?” When I realized that wasn’t specific enough, I added, “I mean the one Austin witnessed, but I guess I should expand that to any of them.”
Jed frowned. “No. He hasn’t learned a thing, and I don’t like it.”
My stomach lurched. “Do you think Dermot had anything to do with the murders?”
“I don’t have any proof that he did,” Jed said pointedly.
Which meant he wasn’t ruling it out. “Do you think Austin and his friend are safe with him?”
“Yes,” he grunted. “They wouldn’t be there if I thought otherwise.”
I had to trust that Jed was right. “Have you heard back about me talking to him? Even if it’s on the phone?”
“I haven’t heard back yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as I do.”
“Thank you.”
“Joe didn’t tell you there was another murder?” Neely Kate asked me with a frown.
“He told me he was workin’ on a murder investigation, but I figured it was for the one Austin witnessed.” I made a face. “Two murders within a day or two is a lot. But three…?” I shuddered.
“I take it Dermot talked to Austin’s friend, Justin?” I asked. “Did he say how he knew about Bruce Wayne being a source to find Lady? That shouldn’t be common knowledge.”
“He’s been oddly quiet about that,” Jed said. “Part of the reason Dermot has him hanging out with Austin is because he wants to keep an eye on them. He thinks Austin knows more than he’s lettin’ on. He’s hoping the kid will start to trust him and share more.”
“I take it someone checked for a freshly dug grave out at Adkins?”
“Dermot did,” Jed said. “And I did too. There was evidence of digging, but no body.”
“If Dermot thinks the kid is holding information back, then how do we know he was telling the truth about how the guy was shot? Maybe the investigation Joe is working on is the one Austin saw.”
And maybe it was wishful thinking on my part, just like Joe had done last night.
Jed shook his head. “We checked out the warehouse too. There was blood on the floor, Rose.” He grimaced. “And a few pieces of—” He stopped when Hope and Daisy ran straight to us.
I swallowed bile. I knew that he was about to say pieces of brain matter, proof that Austin had seen the guy take a headshot.
“Mommy, Mommy!” Hope cried out with excitement. “Look, I’m a princess! Ashy made me a crown.”
Sure enough, she was decked out with a clover flower crown, along with multiple necklaces, bracelets, and rings. Daisy was adorned in just as many.
“Am I pretty, Momma?” Daisy asked Neely Kate, standing serenely in front of her.
“You’re absolutely beautiful,” Neely Kate said, beaming. She absently placed her hand on her belly.
A quick glance at Jed proved he’d seen it too.
The game started, and the girls stuck around while we cheered for Mikey. Thankfully, Liam, who had been born into a noisy household and was used to chaos, slept right through it. Mikey scored another goal, and after he ran over to us, glowing from it, I suggested we get ice cream before we headed home.
“That sounds good,” Jed said, picking up Daisy. “What do you say, Daisy? Want ice cream too?”
I gave Jed a pointed look. It wasn’t unusual for the Carlisle family to hang out with us, but I suspected Jed and Neely Kate planned to spend the entire day with me and the kids.