Page 77 of Trouble Comes in Threes
Daisy and Hope were upset they couldn’t have a sleepover, but in light of everything going on, we mutually agreed it would be better if we had a sleepover another night.
I got the kids bathed and put to bed, but after I tucked Liam in, I stopped in Ashley’s doorway and peered into the darkness. “Ash? You still awake?”
“Yes,” she whispered.
I walked in and sat on the edge of the bed, leaving the hallway door open to let some light in.
“How were things at school today?” I asked.
“Did those kids say anything else about your dad?”
“Yeah, but it’s no big deal.”
“Would you like to know more about why your dad is in prison?” I asked gently.
My eyes had adjusted to the darkness, registering the surprise on her face. “You would tell me?”
“If that’s what you want. Someone pointed out to me that kids discover the truth of secrets, and I’d rather you hear it from me and Joe instead of searching for things online.”
“I’ve already searched online,” she said quietly.
“Oh.” I wasn’t sure why I was surprised. She was a smart, resourceful girl. Of course she had. “What did you find out?”
Her voice broke. “That he’s a murderer.”
“He never killed anyone, Ashley. It’s important you know that.”
“But the paper said he helped someone get killed.”
I started to protest, then stopped. “I’d like to believe he didn’t know that would happen, because I do know he’s a wonderful father and he was in a desperate situation.”
“When me and Mikey were kidnapped?”
She stared up at me. “But you’re the one who came and got us.”
“Why didn’t Daddy?”
We’d never really discussed their kidnapping, and she’d sure never asked these questions before. I decided she deserved the truth.
“A woman told me she knew where you were and took me to you.”
“But there wasn’t anyone with you when you found us.”
“Once she showed me where you were, she left.”
She didn’t respond, but I knew she was mulling over what I’d told her.
“Why did she tell you?” she asked. “Why didn’t she tell Daddy?”
“She didn’t know where he was, but she knew I was at the nursery. She found me there and took me to find you.” I was glossing over some parts, but that was basically what had happened.
“Daddy didn’t save us,” she said, her voice breaking again.