Page 134 of Trouble Comes in Threes
“What? I had no idea. Are you okay? Are you home alone with the kids?” He sounded alarmed.
“Witt’s still here, and so is Daisy.”
“Just sit tight. I’ll send Randy out to stay with you.”
“Do you think that’s necessary? No one’s threatened me,” I said, but in truth, I was nervous we were in danger.
“You’ve been asking questions. Do you think someone could be lookin’ for something you found?”
I hesitated, then said, “They might be lookin’ for the note.”
“What note?”
“Did Randy talk to Darlene?”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Rose,” he snapped. “Your life might be in danger. I don’t want to play guessing games. What note?”
“Her brother left an envelope with a note inside. It had a man’s name on it—Thomas Benton—with Dallas, Texas, written underneath and a long number. It looks like it might be a bank account.”
“And you didn’t tell me? There was a time we were on the same side,” he said, sounding defeated.
“Yeah, when you quit the sheriff’s department,” I snapped back, then immediately felt guilty. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”
“But it’s true,” he said softly. “Are you planning to get back into the criminal world?”
“I didn’t ask for any of this, Joe,” I protested vehemently. “It came to me.”
“That’s not what I asked, now is it?”
“I’m sorry.” It was all I could say because I didn’t have an answer.
He was quiet for a moment. “I’ll send Randy to the house. In the meantime, I’ll head over to your office and check it out. I take it you’re in possession of the note?”
“Yes,” I said, fighting tears. “I didn’t ask for it. She insisted I take it, and for the record, I’ve only had it a few hours.”
“I’d appreciate it if you’d take a photo and send it to me. Randy can collect it as evidence once he gets there.”
“I love you, Joe.”
“I love you too. Stay safe, and hug and kiss our babies for me.” Then he hung up.
I sat on the swing for a few moments, guilt threatening to consume me, but I couldn’t change what I’d done. And if I were honest with myself, I wasn’t sure that I would. The Austins and Darlenes in this county needed to know they could talk to someone who had their best interests in mind. From what I knew of the underworld, Dermot was fair, but I suspected some people might be reluctant to approach him because he was so powerful. But now I worried I’d destroyed that by telling Joe about the note. Deep down, I knew he needed to know, but would Darlene trust me after this? Would anyone else?
I went back inside and finished cleaning up the kitchen, then started to get the kids ready for bed. Witt offered to get Mikey ready while I bathed Hope, Daisy, and Liam in my bathtub.
I’d just gotten them out and dressed in pajamas when Mikey yelled, “Aunt Rose! The police are here with flashing lights!”
I hurried to Ashley’s bedroom, which overlooked the front of the house, with a diapered Liam on my hip. Joe’s car pulled to a halt in the driveway, his lights flashing. He jumped out of his car and ran for the front door. I rushed to the top of the stairs as the door opened.
“Rose!” Joe cried in panic.
“Up here,” I said, staring down at him. “What’s wrong?”
“I’ve been calling you for the past half hour. Why didn’t you answer?”
“I’ve been getting the kids ready for bed,” I said. “With Witt’s help. I must have left my phone somewhere.” Which seemed pretty stupid considering everything going on. I descended a couple of steps. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Why are you so freaked out?”
“Witt?” Joe called out as he came up the stairs.