Page 131 of Trouble Comes in Threes
“There’s nothing to be done about it, and I don’t regret telling him. He would have figured it out on his own, but it may have taken another day or so. I told him to send someone kind and understanding because the first guy was an asshat, so he’s sending Randy. Hopefully, he’ll get something Joe can use.”
“While Dermot’s working off what she told you? What if they cross paths?”
“Dermot will be just fine.” I had no doubts about that.
When the kids finished their snacks, I pulled Liam from his highchair and took him upstairs for another bath. Neely Kate kindly offered to clean up the mess, while Witt took the other kids outside again to keep them entertained until dinner.
After I got Liam bathed and dressed, I headed back downstairs to figure out what to make for dinner. I had spaghetti and jar sauce and some frozen meatballs and broccoli. Spaghetti it was again…even though I’d just given Liam a bath.
After I had dinner made, we’d just sat down to eat when my phone rang. Dermot’s name popped up on the screen.
“It’s Dermot,” I said to Neely Kate as I got up from my chair. “I’m going to take this in the living room. Have you heard anything from Jed yet?”
Worry covered her face. “No.”
I headed out of the room as I answered. “Hey, Dermot. Got any news?”
“Hugo Dempsey is alive and well.”
I stopped in my tracks. “Wait. What?”
“I talked to the man myself just a few minutes ago. He isn’t the third murdered man.”
“So who is?”
“Hell if I know, but it’s not Hugo. However, I did find out the identity of the man who recruited Hugo and his two friends. Hugo only knows him as Kramer. Don’t know if it’s a first name or a last. Supposedly, he’s been staying at some residential hotel down in Sugar Branch. I’m about to go find him now.”
“Did Hugo mention anyone else selling with them?”
“Nope. Just the three of them.”
“But this Kramer could have recruited someone from somewhere else, right?”
“Very true, but it all seems kind of odd. He’s gonna have a devil of a time gettin’ anyone to work for him if he’s murderin’ his hired help this early in the game.”
He wasn’t saying anything I hadn’t thought of myself.
“So you don’t think Kramer killed them?”
“My money’s on Sloan, although that’s pretty stupid too, and it doesn’t account for the third murder. But if he’s trying to send a message, Hugo Dempsey heard it loud and clear. He’s been in hiding since he found out his buddies were dead.”
“So do you plan to talk to Sloan next?”
“After I track down Kramer. He may not have killed those men, but I want to know where he came from and why he chose this county. He needs to know he’s stompin’ on my turf, and if he’s plannin’ on stayin’, he needs to pay his dues like everyone else.”
“Do you think he’s with Hardshaw?”
“No. I think Hardshaw’s six feet under, but it doesn’t mean some other cartel might not be trying to move in. There’s plenty to go around.”
My stomach sank. “How would they know about the Lady in Black?”
“She’s a legend, Rose. People talk.”
“Three years later?”
“If a new cartel is moving in, and they know Hardshaw met its end here, it would be prudent to know who or what helped lead to their downfall.”
My panic started to rise. “I didn’t bring them down, Dermot.”