Page 129 of Trouble Comes in Threes
I settled onto the porch swing. “Do you know when you’ll be home?” I asked with sudden desperation to see him.
“No.” He sounded disappointed.
“I miss you,” I said, my voice breaking. “The kids do too.”
“I miss you and the kids too.”
“When you come home, I’ll tell you all about the kids visiting Miss Mildred this afternoon.”
He released a short chuckle. “Anyone lose a limb?”
I laughed. “Everyone’s appendages are intact. It went really well, actually. She was happy to see them and was even sweet to Hope.”
“You’re kiddin’?”
“So what are y’all doin’ right now?” he asked wistfully.
“Neely Kate, Daisy, and Witt came over. Witt wore the kids out playin’ soccer, and Neely Kate’s getting them a snack.”
“Where’s Jed?” he asked, suspicion creeping into his voice.
I couldn’t very well tell him, but at least I had a convenient excuse. “Considering how he and Neely Kate aren’t exactly seein’ eye-to-eye right now, I’m not sure.” Not a lie. I had no idea where Jed was or what he was specifically doing.
“I forgot about that.” He paused. “How’s she doin’?”
“She seems to be fine. Not even much morning sickness. I’ll feel better after her doctor’s appointment on Tuesday, though.”
“Me too.”
We sat in silence for a few seconds before he said, “I wish I were there with you.”
“Me too.”
“I don’t know how late I’ll be.”
“It’s okay. We’re doin’ okay. We miss you, but your job is important.”
“Thanks for understandin’.”
I was about to hang up, but I blurted out, “Did you find a connection between Harvey Smith and Noah Parker?”
He was silent for several seconds. “How do you know the second victim’s name?”
“Please,” I said, trying to blow it off. “It’s a badly kept secret.”
He was silent again. “Do you know of a connection?”
I was relieved that he didn’t sound angry. He sounded intrigued.
“Someone should really talk to Harvey’s sister.”
“Someone already has,” he said, sounding irritated.
“Are you sure? Because she says the only contact she’s had with the sheriff’s department was when some unsympathetic asshat showed up at her door to inform her that her brother was dead.”