Page 113 of Trouble Comes in Threes
I stepped behind a pole, then peeked around it, gawking in amazement. My ex-neighbor was acting like an entirely different person.
“I want to be an artist when I grow up,” Mikey said, concentrating on his cupcake while he added what looked like sprinkles. “Aunt Rose says she’s gonna get me art classes.”
I cringed, prepared for her to slander me, but to my amazement, Miss Mildred said, “Of course she is. She knows talent when she sees it.”
I had never heard the woman say a nice thing about me in my life, and while it wasn’t entirely a compliment, I was still shocked.
“Rose!” Maeve said in surprise behind me. “I didn’t expect to see you so soon.”
“It’s a long story,” I said, making sure the kids hadn’t heard us, but they were all focused on decorating their cupcakes. “Is it my imagination, or does Miss Mildred look happy?”
“You have no idea how excited she was to see the kids. It’s like she’s a completely different person.”
“I was worried about how she’d treat Hope, but I heard her actually being sweet to her. And she even gave me a half-compliment to Mikey.”
“How does someone give a half-compliment?” she asked with a laugh.
“Leave it to her to find a way.”
She glanced at their table, then back at me. “Thank you so much for thinking of this visit. Mildred really needed it, and the children seem to be enjoying themselves as well.” As if to punctuate her statement, a peal of laughter erupted from their table. She made a face. “Is there any way you could run another errand and come back in about forty-five minutes? I think they’d all enjoy a little more time.”
I’d been dying to get back to them, terrified something would happen to them out of my sight. But I realized nothing was going to happen to them here. Maybe I could go finish my grocery shopping.
“Yeah,” I said. “I can find something to do.”
“Maybe you should take some time just for you,” she suggested. “Grab a cup of coffee, and read a book.”
“That’s a great idea,” I said, dying to do just that, but knowing I needed to do something more practical. I was going to finish my grocery shopping. “I’ll be back in about forty-five minutes.”
I headed outside and pulled out my phone to call Neely Kate. She’d probably finished talking to Darlene, and I needed to touch base after the way I’d run out.
“Rose, are you okay?” she asked as soon as she answered.
“I’m fine. I just got freaked out when Darlene noticed Liam. It was stupid to leave like that. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, and I understand.”
“Did she tell you anything after I left?”
“No, not really. I got the impression you’re the one she was interested in talking to, and she seemed off after I asked about Harvey’s drug dealer.”
“I noticed that too. Do you think she’s afraid of him? Maybe the reason she won’t talk to Joe is because she’s worried the dealer will find out and retaliate.”
“Your guess is as good as mine.”
“After I left and Jed convinced me to let you take Liam with you to get Daisy, I went to pick up the kids. When I walked into the dining hall, I found them all gathered around Miss Mildred, and she looked like she was having the time of her life. The kids were too.”
“You’re pullin’ my leg.”
“Nope. In any case, Maeve asked if I could come back in forty-five minutes, so I’m going to finish my grocery shopping really quick. Are you still at the store?”
“Nah. I checked out with what you and I had in the cart. Now Liam, who’s still sound asleep, and I are on our way to get Daisy. We’ll meet you at your house.”
“You don’t mind waiting?”