Page 97 of Half Baked
Confusion filled her eyes. “Sorry about what?”
“That we didn’t try to talk to him yesterday like you wanted.”
She shook her head. “We had no idea if he’d even talk to us. You were right to wait.” But regret still filled her eyes.
“We’ll find who killed your mother. Especially if the murderer took out Bergan to clean up his tracks. We’ll catch him, Maddie. I swear.”
She gave me a soft smile. “I know you will.”
“It’s okay if you’re mad at me. I understand.”
Bewilderment covered her face. “How can I be mad at you, Noah? You’re doing everything in your power to find out who killed my mother. If anything, I’m grateful. And I’m glad you’re going to St. Vincent’s. I don’t trust anyone but you and Lance to look into Bergan’s death.”
I kissed her, meaning for it to be a quick peck, but her lips were warm and inviting, and I let it go further than planned.
“I’m not sure I should leave you,” I admitted, holding onto her arms a little too tightly.
“You’re worried they’ll come for me next.”
“It had occurred to me.”
She drew in a breath and wrapped her arms around my upper back, hugging me tightly. “We’ll stay inside, and I’ll call 911 at the first sign of trouble, even if it turns out to be nothing.”
“Are you sure you’re okay with being alone? There’s not enough manpower to have someone park outside.”
“I’m sure.” She flashed me a grim smile. “This isn’t my first time barricading myself inside my house.”
“Let’s hope to God that it’s the last.” I gave her another kiss. “Keep your phone close so I can text you periodically and make sure you’re okay.”
She reached for it on the nightstand. “Got it.”
“I love you,” I whispered, amazed I could say it so freely. But once I’d told her, it was like there was no holding it back anymore. It kept gushing out.
“I love you too.” She gave my shoulder a soft push. “Now go already and hurry back.” Her brows lifted playfully. “Did I mention Aunt Deidre takes naps after lunch now?”
I hopped off the bed. “I’ll be back as quick as I can.”
Her laughter followed me out the door. “I’m counting on that. And Noah?”
I stopped in the hall and leaned back to look into the room.
A grin spread across her face. “You smell like my aunt’s flower garden in June.”
I laughed, unsure when I’d ever been this happy. I could definitely get used to this.
* * *
We had prearrangedfor me to enter St. Vincent’s via the side entrance, and when I arrived, Lance was already holding the door open. “The crime scene team’s on standby.”
“And the coroner?” I asked, walking in through the door.
“He’s waiting to see what you find.” He took the lead, bringing me down the hall, but I already knew my way to Bergan’s room.
Neil was standing by the door with a crime scene log.
“Figured we should start one, just in case,” he said with a sheepish shrug.
“Good thinking.” Even though I wasn’t here in an official capacity, we still had to have record of me walking into the potential crime scene. Otherwise, if it went to trial, my undocumented presence could potentially lose the case for the prosecution. I signed in and put on a pair of booties.