Page 94 of Half Baked
“That I’d want my glass of wine?”
Laughing, he picked up my wine glass and handed it to me. “I’m counting on you wanting me more than the wine, but as long as I’m on the list, I can live with it.” He blew out the candles, then scooped his arm under my knees and stood.
I held the wine glass out to keep from spilling it. “Noah, what are you doing?”
“What I should have done when I came home after Christmas. Making you mine.”
He carried me up the stairs and I balanced my glass to keep the wine from sloshing over the edge. Just when I thought he’d topped the romance department tonight, he went and did something like this.
Steve had told me early in our relationship that men who carried their women to bed were trying too hard. I should have told him that he wasn’t trying hard enough. But comparing Steve to Noah was like comparing a turd to a diamond.
He stopped outside my cracked bedroom door, then pushed it open with his shoulder. One of my bedside lamps was on, filling the room with a warm glow, but I gasped when I saw he’d placed multiple candles around the room. They weren’t lit, but I knew he’d put some work into setting this up.
“Oh, Noah,” I exclaimed as tears filled my eyes.
He turned to look at me, still cradling me in his arms. “Don’t cry, Maddie. This is supposed to show you how much you mean to me.”
“It does. All of this does. That’s why I’m crying. I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life for you.”
He kissed me again, but this time with a sense of urgency and possession. When he broke the kiss, he said, “I planned to light the candles before I brought you up, but I guess I was a little too eager. If you want to wait in the bathroom, I can light them and bring you out.”
“Maybe I should take a shower?” I said, suddenly unsure. “I smell like coffee.”
He bent his head to kiss my neck. “And I told you it’s one of my favorite scents. Don’t take a shower on my account.”
“My hair’s in a rough ponytail. I don’t have any makeup on. I’m not dressed up enough to warrant this…” I gestured to the room and lifted my wine glass.
“Madelyn Baker,” he said, holding my gaze. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world to me. That’s all window dressing. I wantyou.”
“I want you too,” I whispered, tears burning my eyes again.
He turned serious, lowering his arm and carefully dropping my feet to the floor. He took the wine glass from my hand and set it on my bedside table. “Stay there.”
Grabbing a lighter, he started lighting the candles. When he reached the table with the lamp, he turned it off and the room was lit by the soft glow of candlelight.
“This means so much to me, Noah,” I said, my voice tight.
He walked over to me and brushed stray hairs from the side of my face. “I love you, Maddie. I plan on spending the rest of my life showing you just how much.”
I stared at him in shock. He’d just told me he loved me. I’d figured he’d need another month or two before he’d be able to admit it to himself, let alone tell me.
I must have hesitated too long.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way yet,” he said softly. “I know it’s pretty early—”
My heart overflowed with emotion. “No,” I laughed. “I love you too.”
Then I proceeded to show him.
* * *
Noahand I lay in bed, naked under my covers. The candles still glowed around us, some of them now dangerously low, giving the room a magical feel. Or maybe making love with Noah had been magical and I was still in the afterglow. I’d been worried about his injured arm, but he’d told me he wasn’t concerned about it and I shouldn’t be either.
I was cradled against him, my head resting on his chest while his right arm wrapped around me. His hand curved possessively around my hip, as though he was worried I had suddenly changed my mind and was about to get up and walk away from him.
“Tell me more about what happened tonight,” he said lazily, but I could feel his body tense slightly.
I knew what he was really asking, but I wasn’t ready to lose this cocoon of contentment.