Page 74 of Half Baked
“What were the arrests?”
“Drunk and disorderlies. A few assault charges, mostly due to bar fights, but one of his neighbors pressed charges. There was another charge related to his wife, but that was over a decade ago.”
“Domestic?” Noah asked.
“Yeah, they were both drunk, and it reads like he threw something at her but didn’t mean to hit her. In fact, he claimed he was so drunk he figured his aim would be shit. He was surprised when the trophy hit her in the forehead.”
“Trophy?” Noah asked incredulously.
“His. For a rec softball league.”
Noah tapped the steering wheel, looking lost in thought. “So we’re dealing with a habitual mean drunk.”
“Possibly, although the assaults were a decade ago, so maybe he cleaned up some? His last DUI was five years ago.”
“Let’s hope he did for her wife’s sake,” Noah said.
“Speaking of his wife,” Lance said. “We looked up Annemarie Pope and Annemarie Bonay and didn’t come up with anything other than a few speeding tickets.” Lance paused. “You think either of these folks have anything to do with Andrea Baker’s murder?”
“Too soon to tell,” Noah said. “Annemarie was best friends with Andrea when Maddie was younger. We’re hoping to get more information about Andrea’s personal life from her.”
“So you’re going to go talk to them?” Lance asked. “The guy’s last known residence is in Galena. It has a reputation for a reason.”
“Yeah, we gathered they lived in Galena from Annemarie’s Facebook account. Can you send me the actual address?”
“Sure thing.” Then he added, “I know I don’t have to tell you to be careful, but be careful.”
“Will do.” Noah pressed his lips together. “I don’t suppose anyone’s had a chance to search for a Gordy?”
“Not yet. Neil’s had his hands full, and like I said, I was busy with the interrogations.”
“Get anything useful?”
“No one’s ratted on Joe Kipsey yet, if that’s what you’re wondering. They’re naming names, but only the low-level guys doing the thefts. Still haven’t gotten to the higher levels.”
“No mentions of taking the cars to George’s Garage?” Noah asked.
“Nope, and from what we can tell, no cars have showed up there. But I’m working on ’em. One guy just turned eighteen, so I’m trying to put the fear of God in him to get him to turn in anyone above him.”
“Good work,” Noah said with a glint of pride in his eyes. “Keep me updated.”
“You too. I’ll send that address now.”
Noah hung up, and his phone vibrated and he handed it to me. “Can you plug the address into the maps app?”
I took his phone and studied him. “Should we be worried about our safety visiting Annemarie?”
“Honestly, I don’t know,” he sighed. “But Annemarie and your mother were close enough that your mom brought her around you. I doubt your mom would have let her into your life if she didn’t trust her. I mean, look at how she kept men away from you.”
“Yeah.” But I still felt uneasy.
I set up the navigation, then hesitated before returning his phone. “Do you mind if I look at the police report?”
Noah’s brow shot up. “Of when you were little? Of course not. Take a look.”
I opened his email folder and found Lance’s email at the top. The report was short, with no blame placed on my mother, but it made it clear that a sixteen-year-old had been sleeping in the living room while my mother was bar hopping in Chattanooga. It didn’t tell me anything I hadn’t already known, but everything had been hearsay up until now. Seeing the police report made it real.
“We’re getting close to the Bonay residence,” Noah said, breaking into my thoughts. “How are you doing?”