Page 122 of Half Baked
He smiled up at me. “For you.”
I shook my head, tears falling in earnest. “Why? You didn’t even know me.” Why would he sacrifice so much forme?
“I may not have met you while your momma was alive, but I felt like I knew you. She loved you something fierce.”
I choked out a sob. “George.”
“All these years, I’ve been trying to keep you safe. I knew your momma’s killer was still out there, and I had an irrational fear he’d come after you too—or maybenotso irrational. So I was equally relieved and terrified when you moved back.”
I stared at him in shock. “You knew I moved back?” I knew I should have been horrified that a man I didn’t even know had been keeping tabs on me, but I found it endearing.
He grinned again, but this time it was more playful. “At the risk of sounding like a stalker, I always knew where you were.” He coughed and blood sprayed from his mouth.
The sirens were getting closer. “Just hang on, George.” I took his hand and squeezed.
Please God, let them be coming for us.
He sank against the wall, and even though his face was white from blood loss, pure joy lit up his eyes. “Nah. You can take care of yourself now. I think I’ll go see your mom.”
“Don’t die!” I pleaded. “Please don’t die! There’s so much I don’t know about her, and you have so many answers.”
A tear slid down his cheek. “All you need to know is that you were her true north.”
Why didn’t that feel like enough? “Why did you come here?” I cried, starting to sob. “Why did you try to save me? You don’t even know me.”
“If she could loveme, then how could I not love you too?” He coughed again, but it was weaker this time. “You’re her baby girl, and I swore to her I’d protect you with my life. Even if that meant stayin’ away from you when your mom and me were together. I failed you last November and December, but I swore I wouldn’t do it again.” He looked up at me, his eyes unfocused. “Forgive me?” he whispered.
“For what?” I asked in dismay.
“I put your momma in danger. I was the one who ultimately got her killed. I should have stayed away, but she was my everything and I lost her. And so did you.” His face crumpled. “Forgive me?”
I squeezed his hand tight and brought it to my chest. “I forgive you, George.”
He smiled then and the light left his eyes as his grip on my hand relaxed.
Noah found me minutes later sobbing over a man I’d never known—a man who had willingly sacrificed himself for me out of love for my mother.
I didn’t feel worthy.
When Lance pulled behind the building, two commercial-sized garage doors stood open, and multiple people were lying on the floor.
“Maddie!” I shouted as I bolted out of the car before Lance could come to a full stop. I frantically scanned the space. I didn’t see her at first. But then I heard her gut-wrenching sobs and found her huddled over a man who was slumped against the wall. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the back of her shirt, her arm, and her hair were covered in blood.
“Maddie!” I cried out and rushed toward her, dropping to my knees beside her. My first thought was to triage her and find out how badly she was injured. I gently pulled her off the man and turned her to face me. She held her bloody arm against her chest. “Where are you hurt?”
She looked up at me with bloodshot eyes. Her face was streaked with dried and fresh blood. She looked like she’d been to hell and back. “Noah.”
I cupped her cheek and choked out, “I’m here.”
“I hoped you’d come.”
My eyes and throat burned. “I’llalwayscome.” My gaze dropped to the front of her shirt, which was spotted with blood. “Where are you hurt, Maddie?” I asked again, my voice rising in panic. “Your arm?” I gave it a quick glance and saw something had sliced her bicep. She’d need stitches. But her cut arm didn’t explain all the blood covering her clothes and body.
She looked down at her shirt, then shifted her gaze to the man she’d been draped over. “It’s not all mine. Some of it’s George’s.”