Page 66 of Getting Lucky
“That’s the lamest excuse ever, but I plan to ambush them at the engagement party. Wait until they have some spiked eggnog or whatever, then ask.”
Jack gave her a look. “You know me better than to think I’d willingly serve eggnog. Are you bluffing?”
“I’ll ask them. I promise! But for now, I say we go over and help Maisie. I kind of hate thinking about her decorating her house all alone.” She glanced at the counter, covered with multiple tubes of frosting and stacks of undecorated cookies, as well as finished cookies on cooling racks. “I can pop the icing in the fridge and finish decorating in the morning, but I’ll be leaving a mess.” She made a face. “I don’t want Addy to think I’m a slob.”
He grinned, pleased by this further evidence that she cared what Addy thought of her. “She’s staying with Finn tonight, so I doubt she’ll ever see it, but you can shoot her a text to explain. She’ll understand. In fact, she’ll probably be excited to hear Maisie’s decorating.”
“Okay…you’re right.”
“I’ll text Maisie to let her know we’re coming over.” He picked up his phone and saw the bubble indicating Maisie was typing another message, which appeared before he could type his own response.
Sorry. It’s late. Forget I mentioned it.
Smiling to himself, he typed,Too late to rescind now. We’re coming over.He noticed Iris piling cookies onto a paper plate.Hope you haven’t met your sugar quota of the day.
In what sick world does such a thing exist?she responded.
He grinned again.Do you have a fake tree?
Of course I have one. How can we decorate without a tree?
Let me rephrase that, do you have one that’s less than two decades old?
She didn’t answer.
He looked up at Iris. “We need to make a stop before we head to Maisie’s.”
* * *
It was a miracle they arrived at Maisie’s house only a half hour later, especially after their special errand, but it was a few days before Christmas and there hadn’t been much of a selection left.
Maisie’s front door opened and she appeared, wrapping an oversized cardigan around herself to ward off the chill. Her hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun, but somehow she looked as sexy now as she had that night in the green dress. She was the kind of woman you wanted to come home to and kiss senseless…which was exactly what he wanted to do. But his little sister was his chaperone, and he couldn’t.
He and Iris got out of the car as Maisie descended the steps, her two dogs following at her heels.
“What is on top of your car?” she asked, her tone a little accusatory.
Now he worried he’d overstepped.
“Surprise!” Iris said, holding out her plate of cookies. “We brought gifts.”
Maisie took the plate and glanced down at the plastic-wrapped cookies. “This will go perfectly with the hot chocolate I have on the stove.” Her gaze shot back to Jack. “But what’s that on top of the car?”
As if she didn’t know. It was every bit a challenge.
“It’s a Christmas tree,” he said. He’d been staring at her, so he shook himself out of his daze and started to untie the ropes. Chaco rushed forward in a burst of speed and started pawing at his pants, eager for a greeting. He stooped over and ruffled her ears. Einstein peed on the tire of his car, then came over and sniffed his hand.
Maisie’s eyes were on the little dog, as if she expected he’d try to nip, but he surprised both of them by licking Jack’s hand and wagging his tail. And when Chaco turned to shower her love on Iris, Einstein stayed put.
“I guess he’s okay with me now that he’s established where I fall on the food chain,” Jack said, patting the dog’s head.
He’d hoped to sneak a smile out of Maisie. Instead, she had a strange look on her face, bewildered almost, but she shook it off. “Don’t try to change the subject. If you felt the need to get a tree, even though I have a perfectly good one, why’d you getthatone? That tree’s bigger than your car. It looks like the tree inChristmas Vacation.”
“What’s that?” Iris asked.
Maisie gasped. “Well, I know whatwe’rewatching over your school break.”
Iris gave Jack a questioning look.