Page 103 of Getting Lucky
“Addy isn’t home,” Finn said. “She and Georgie decided to go out for a spa day to recover from yesterday. They took Iris with them.”
“What spa is open on Christmas Eve?” he asked in disbelief.
“The owner is a friend of Dottie’s. She set it up.”
Of course she did. She’d probably arranged it to give them some relaxation before the series of bombshells she knew was coming.
“I guess I’ll call them then.” He didn’t want to tell them over the phone, but he could let them know he needed to talk to them ASAP.
Finn shook his head. “No cell phones. The spa takes them as soon as they walk in the door and keeps them until they leave.”
“Which will be when?”
“Four-ish? It’s an all-day thing.” He paused. “Can’t this wait until tomorrow?”
“No, it really can’t, but I’m not going to bust into a spa either.” He gave Finn a dark look. “I’ll let Lee take care of it.” He reached for the door handle. “Thanks for the ride. I guess I’ll see you at the party unless you hear otherwise.
“Shit,” Finn said. “Now Ireallydon’t want to know what’s going on.”
* * *
After Jack went inside, he tried calling Lee several times, but all of his calls went straight to voicemail. The first two times he didn’t leave a message, but after he’d put off heading to the brewery for as long as he feasibly could, he finally said, “Lee, I realize this is all a huge shock, but your sister is about to have an engagement party with your father and your presumably ex-girlfriend in attendance. Georgie and Addy are having a spa day, so I can’t reach them to tell them what’s going on, but I feel like it should come from you anyway. Until I hear otherwise, I’m going to set up for this party, but call me as soon as you get everything sorted out.”
Damn, he hoped Lee stepped up.
It occurred to him that he should call River and give him a heads-up that something was going on with Georgie’s father and brother, but he couldn’t bring himself to make the call. If that made him a bastard, so be it.
Thinking about River turned his mind, again, to Maisie. The two of them on the sofa this morning, with the dogs lounging around them. He’d had a fleeting moment of complete peace, of understanding what it felt like to have someone who truly cared about you. A partner, an equal. Someone to share his life with. He’dlikedit. No, he’d reveled in it. But the sickening thought of being Maisie’s second choice had poisoned the memory, and he wondered if it had been real at all.
The afternoon wore on, and he still hadn’t heard anything from Lee or any of his sisters. He hoped Iris was having a good time, but he was worried about her reaction once she found out about this fight with Maisie. Would she blame him? Should he suck it up and call River?
Should he suck it up and call Maisie?
He didn’t have much time to think about it because problems began cropping up. Someone had misplaced the centerpieces for the high top tables, and the boxes of wine he’d ordered from a local winery had never shown up. He’d decided to offer both wine and Buchanan brews at the party, and it had inspired him to strike up a conversation with the owner of Blush Winery. From his bartending experience, he’d learned people liked choices. Wine would be a welcome addition for certain events, like engagement parties, and they were in the process of working out a partnership.
He made a quick call to the winery, relieved when he got a hold of the owner, who quickly realized they’d never sent the cases. She didn’t have time to run them over, but she offered to stick around until Jack showed up.
By the time he got back to the brewery, it was nearly five. He still hadn’t heard from Iris, Addy, or Georgie, despite the fact that he’d sent all three a group text, telling them he needed to talk to them as soon as possible. The party started at six.
At ten past five, after Jack had called Lee again and left a more insistent voicemail, Dottie showed up. Her hair was freshly dyed a festive red, presumably for the holidays. She was wearing a flowing, gold lamé dress with a short train that flowed behind her and a green velvet hat with a large sprig of evergreen with red berries attached. She looked like a life-sized present.
“It’s lovely, Jack,” she gushed when she walked into the room.
Despite the stress of wondering if the party was happening, he was proud of how it turned out. The high top tables were covered in crisp white tablecloths, and the evergreen and candle centerpieces had finally been found and were arranged on the tables. The appetizers still needed to be placed on the serving tables, but the bartender had nearly finished setting up the bar in the corner. Georgie had given him the go-ahead to take care of everything, and he intended to do just that. He wanted her to be able to enjoy herself, to be happy, but he couldn’t help thinking his responsibility for her happiness included making sure she knew about the situation with her father.
“Thanks,” he said. “Have you talked to Lee today?”
She frowned. “No, but I presume you gave him the terrible news.”
“Yeah, he didn’t take it very well.”
She nodded. “That’s to be expected. That boy has been on a tight leash, and he’s just discovered the man holding it is dragging him toward the gallows.”
Jack grimaced. “Is it really that bad?”
“Oh, my precious boy,” she said, her forehead creasing. “It’s so much worse.”
“Georgie and Addy don’t know what’s going on. I think Lee should tell them, but he’s gone AWOL, and I haven’t been able to get a hold of my sisters all day.”