Page 90 of Better Luck Next Time
She hung out with Jack a little while longer, then headed up to her room to get ready for bed. Tyrion didn’t even bother with his pallet on the floor, jumping onto the bed with her. She lay in the dark, suddenly feeling lonely for Finn, so she set up her laptop to watchPride and Prejudiceas she went to sleep.
But fifteen minutes into the movie, she grabbed her phone and decided she wasn’t going to let fear ruin what she had with him. She’d told herself she wouldn’t hold back, for better or for worse, and she didn’t want to start. Life was about taking risks, and Finn was a huge one. The payoff would either be the best relationship of her life or a heart ripped to shreds.
I miss you, Finn. I can’t wait to see your face tomorrow.
Then she turned off her phone, and dreamed of him.
Chapter Thirty
Finn was wearing jeans and an I Love New York T-shirt. Sure, they weren’t in New York, but it was his idea of what a tourist would wear, and he figured it might get a smile out of Adalia, who was, after all, a New Yorker.
After getting home last night, he’d spent several hours stewing, working in fits and spurts. He was worried about Adalia without knowingwhyhe should be worried. Because she hadn’t told him what was happening. It was her right not to say anything, of course, but he’d thought they were getting closer. The fact that she hadn’t shared her problems with him indicated he might be wrong, that she didn’t trust him. Then she’d sent him that text about missing him, and most of the worry had eased. Most, but not all.
He’d decided not to mention Alan right away. Today would be about them, not about the past. They needed to discuss the past at some point, though—he suspected it was the only way they’d be sure to have a future.
His bell rang at ten on the dot, and he all but lunged for the door, which he’d been watching like an expectant dog. What was happening to him?
He opened the door, and the answer to his question stood on his stoop, dressed in an I Love New York T-shirt that matched his, down to the color (black), jeans, and…
“Is that a fanny pack?” he asked, his mouth twitching with a barely restrained smile.
“That’s what you focus on?” She feigned anger. “You said tourist, and I delivered. Now, can we address the fact that we match? Is Jack spying for you or something?”
“No, this is a delightful coincidence,” he said. Although he wasn’t so sure that was true. The matching shirts made him think of Lola again, of the cards she’d pulled for both of them.
“We’re going to look ridiculous,” Adalia continued with a smirk, “and I totally love it. So is the mystery finally over? Are you going to tell me what we’re doing?”
“Actually…” he said, pulling the blindfold out of his pocket. “I thought we could keep it going awhile longer.”
She raised her brows. “Kinky. I like it.”
Oh God, the thought of Adalia wearing that blindfold in his bedroom did things to him…but he was determined to deliver on his promise of a mystery date. He knew she’d love their destination, and he selfishly wanted to be the person who took her there for the first time.
Of course, there was a chance she’d already gone with Georgie, but he didn’t think so. Adalia had told him that she’d spent her first few months in Asheville as a complete hermit, not engaging with anything outside the brewery or her house.
“You can put it on in the car,” he said, his voice husky.
But she took it from him and secured it around her eyes, then tilted her head up, waiting for a kiss.
Finn had never seen anything more beautiful in his life. He watched her for a moment, soaking in the sight of her, trying to commit it to memory, and then he realized he was being an idiot and drew her to him. It was a slow kiss, a claiming kiss. And she leaned into him like she didn’t want to let go—like she reallydidtrust him. They tilted their heads, trying to get closer, closer, until there wasn’t any closer they could get from just kissing, and they were breathless from trying. He was the one who finally pulled away.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he whispered into her ear. Whispered because it would have felt wrong to say it louder, for some reason, like it might break the moment.
She nudged the blindfold down. “Well, that’s saying something.”
For a second, he didn’t understand what she meant, but then he realized she was talking about his past. About the fact that he’d dated a lot, and usually not for very long.
The trust between them had been punctured.
“I guess,” he said. “You should know…this is different for me.” He wanted to tell her that he’d never felt this way about another woman, but he saw something like fear in her eyes.
“Thank you. I should have just said thank you. Let’s go,” she said, the blindfold still pulled down a little, like she wasn’t willing to relinquish control again.
He grabbed his bro bag, which made Adalia smile a little, and they headed out to the car, Finn coming around to open the door for her.
“Where’s your car?” he asked.
“It’s a nice day, so I walked, although I felt guilty about not bringing Tyrion. He loves walks.”