Page 66 of Better Luck Next Time
“Something funny?” he asked.
“I have sad news for you: there’s no way we’re moving on to yourFit and Fabulousmovie without finishingPride and Prejudice. Together. It’s not my fault you cheated and watched the rest without me.”
He gave her a mock glare. “Excuse me, it’sFast Five.”
“Well, the deal was we’d watch them together, so we’ll just have to pick up where we left off.”
His eyes darkened. “Exactly where we left off?”
A spark of desire ignited in her core, but she ignored it—and his question—as she turned to face the next kennel. A red Siberian husky lay on the concrete floor, staring up at her with a look of resignation.
“Finn,” she cried out as she squatted next to the dog.
He moved closer. “The sign on the door says his name is Tyrion.”
“Does it say why he’s here?” she asked, staring into the dog’s soulful eyes.
“I guess he was returned.”
Anger burned in her blood as she stood, glaring up at him. “Returned? What kind of monster would do that?”
He gave her a half shrug. “Maybe he was in a foster home and something came up.”
“Whatever it was broke him,” she said, close to tears. “We can’t just leave him here.”
“Let’s talk to Maisie.”
“We’ll have to stop hiding first,” she countered with a stern look.
Taking her hand, he tugged her to a cage closer to the door. “Adalia, meet Cinnamon.”
He was trying to distract her with an adorable little terrier mix, jumping up against the door, but Tyrion still lay on his side, his eyes mournful, and she felt close to tears.
Finn offered her an understanding smile. “A lot of the dogs are scared—like Tyrion—and they have trouble snapping out of it here in the kennels. It may actually distress him more if we hang out outside of his kennel. If you want to visit with him, we can have Maisie bring him to the playroom after we talk to her.”
She held her hand up to Cinnamon, and the little dog sniffed it and then licked her through the cage.
“That means he likes you,” Finn said, pressing his chest to her back.
A wave of heat washed through her. If he was still trying to distract her, it was working in the most delicious way. “Do you lick too when you like someone?”
He groaned and took two steps back. “You’re determined to torture me,” he said, his voice tight, but his eyes were dancing. “And no, I don’t typically lick people when I first meet them.”
Adalia spun around and advanced on him as though he was her prey. He backed up into the wall, his eyes hooded as he watched her.
“I should hope not,” she said in a husky tone, placing her hands on his chest. “I only lick people who are very special to me.” Holding his gaze, she lifted onto her tiptoes and lightly ran her tongue over the hollow of his throat. Then, before he could get his arm around her, she backed up out of reach, flashing him a wicked smile.
He watched her, a war waging in his eyes, and she almost felt guilty about teasing him. It hadn’t been a premeditated move. It had been completely natural—organic—like everything with him so far.
“I like you, Finn,” she said, all teasing gone. “I’ve never known a man like you. You make me feel like I can just be me.” And wasn’t that a revelation. Plenty of guys had been interested in her for her body, and Alan had been in it for her art, but she’d never been involved with a man who was this interested in her as a person. Her mouth lifted into a crooked smile. “I’m sort of sorry for what happened just now, but not because I regret doing it. More like I’m sorry if I’m making this harder for you.”
He slowly shook his head. “Don’t stop being you, Addy. I love that you’re so spontaneous. You bring it out in me too.”
Smiling, she took his hand and squeezed it.
“I’ll try to behave,” she said in a teasing tone.
“God, I hope not,” he said, pulling her to his chest. He kissed her, and she grabbed a handful of his shirt, clinging to him as his mouth devoured hers. She pressed into him, needing more, and he responded in kind, sinking a hand into her hair, tilting her head to give him better access.