Page 98 of Until You
He’d been worried she wouldn’t stay, so he was relieved when she pointed to her leather duffel on the living room chair.
He picked up the bag and led her to his car. When they were inside, he asked, “Any offers today?”
She laughed. “No job offers, but the FedEx guy offered to deliver his package.”
Tyler jerked as bolt of jealousy shot through him. He gripped the steering wheel and turned to face her. “Are you serious?”
Surprise filled her eyes. “Relax. I was joking.”
He started the car and backed out of the parking spot, trying to slow his pulse.
“I’m sorry,” she said in confusion. “That really bothered you.”
“I was just worried,” he said. “That would have been totally inappropriate.”
“You say things like that all the time.”
“The difference is you and I are in a relationship.”
“Is that what this is?” she asked quietly.
He stopped at a stop sign and turned to her. “We’re deep in the middle of this arrangement or commitment or whatever you want to call it. I prefer to call it a relationship. This is real to me, even if it’s going to end if you leave.”
They drove the short distance in silence, and Tyler regretted his overreaction. When they got out of his car in the parking garage, he pulled her to a halt and searched her face. “Hey, I’m sorry.”
“No worries.” She glanced up at him with a guarded look.
“I shouldn’t have made a big deal of any of it.” He paused and decided to be honest. “I was jealous.”
“Of the imaginary FedEx guy?”
“He wasn’t imaginary in my head. And it was stupid, I know. I’m sorry.”
She reached up and gave him a kiss. “I think it’s cute.”
“Oh my God,” he groaned. “Not the ‘cute’ thing again. I’m going to call you cute.”
He took her hand in his, and she looked at their clasped hands in shock but then relaxed as they walked to the theater. He understood her surprise. He was surprised himself.
She smiled at him as they waited in line to buy their tickets, and he was surprised at how happy he felt. Was this what it had been like for Randy with Britt, and Kevin with Holly?
After they bought their tickets, they were walking toward their theater when Tyler heard a male voice call his name.
If it was male, that meant it wasn’t an ex-lover. Thank God.
The man moved closer, and Lanie stiffened slightly.
“Victor,” Tyler said, putting his arm around her, confused by her reaction. “You on a date?”
“Nope, flying solo. But I see you are.” Then his eyes widened. “Lanie. I’m surprised to see you here.”
“Hi, Victor,” she said with a smile, but Tyler could tell it was forced.
Unease washed over him. “You and Lanie have met?” But as soon as he asked the question he remembered where it had likely happened. Victor’s answer confirmed it.
“At Randy’s shindig. But I’m surprised she’s out with you.” He gave Lanie a skeptical look. “You said you had a boyfriend…Aiden, in Atlanta, right? The attorney.”
Lanie cast a sideways glance at Tyler, then back to Victor. “Yeah, that’s right. We’re not together.”