Page 9 of Until You
Chapter Four
Thursday afternoon, Lanie stood impatiently at a street corner as she waited for the light to change. A quick glance at her phone confirmed that it was 2:03, one minute later than the last time she’d checked.
The pedestrian walk signal popped on, and she ran across the pavement, an impressive feat given her three-inch heels. She glanced up at the entrance of Brio and saw her cousin standing in the open doorway.
Brittany quirked an eyebrow. “You’re late. Even after you postponed our lunch for two hours.”
Lanie held her hands out at her sides. “I’m sorry. This morning’s been crazy.”
“And apparently your afternoon, too.” Brittany gave her a mocking glare, then laughed. “I’m just glad you showed up at all.”
Feeling terrible, Lanie followed Britt inside. The hostess led them to their table. When they were settled, Lanie said, “So…tell me all about your gifts from the shower.”
Britt laughed. “You should have stayed. You might have actually enjoyed a few of them.” She picked up her water glass. “It was a couple’s shower, and some of the gifts fit the theme.”
“Oh,” Lanie teased. “Did you get a few naughty things?”
“A copy of the Kama Sutra.”
“His-and-hers dildos.”
That got her attention. “When you say his-and-hers…how can you tell? Maybe they just gave you a variety…of sex toys,” Lanie suggested with a grin as she picked up her water and took a sip.
“Because they were pink and blue…and engraved with our names.”
Lanie sputtered water onto the table and started coughing. “I’m sorry, did you say they were engraved with your names? Who gave you that?”
“Celesta. She’s one of my bridesmaids. I need to apologize for her in advance…but she’s Randy’s cousin, and his mother insisted we include her in the wedding.”
“Okay.” If Celesta was gifting his-and-hers dildos, she might not be so bad. “I’m trying to imagine the engraving. How does that work?”
Britt laughed with a shrug, her face turning pink. “Well, more like stamped. I guess you can’t engrave latex, but then I guess they’re not latex, are they? Not with latex allergies and all.” Britt’s eyes widened. “How do you suppose those allergies work? Like with latex condoms, do you think their…you know…their penises get red and itchy?”
Lanie laughed as she flagged down a passing waitress. “You’re thirty-two years old. If we’re going to have the sex talk, then we need appropriate drinks.” She turned to the waitress. “We’ll take two Pink Pantie Pull-downs.”
“What?” Brittany gasped, leaning forward.
Putting her hand on the waitress’s arm to hold her back, Lanie asked, “Does the bartender know how to make them?”
The waitress laughed. “With a name like that, I’ll be more than happy to look it up for him if he doesn’t.”
“I don’t need to have the sex talk,” Britt said, but her cheeks were still pink. “My sex life with Randy is just fine.”
“And about to get even finer with your his-and-hers dildos. Tell me, how did Randy take his personalized gift?” Lanie asked, while she used her napkin to wipe the water off the table.
“Well…his response was similar to yours, only it was in front of all the shower guests, and he spit out beer instead of water. When he stopped choking, he said he was glad that his was the smaller one.” Both women laughed, then Britt gave her a serious look. “So, tell me about your love life.”
“Changing the subject, huh? Sorry to disappoint, but my love life is exactly the same as when you asked two weeks ago. Nonexistent.”
“I just find that so hard to believe.” Britt gave her a soft smile. “With your looks and your almost charming personality—”
“Very funny.”
“I would think you’d have men falling over themselves to go out with you.”
“And we both know that has nothing to do with my lack of male companionship.” She shrugged. “It’s hard to meet guys when I’m hiding behind a building covered in tarp.”