Page 85 of Until You
Chapter Twenty-Three
Somebody’s in a good mood,” Randy said, stopping in Tyler’s office doorway and leaning his shoulder into the frame.
Tyler grinned, his heart feeling lighter than it had in months, maybe years. Lanie had not only called him, she’d told him she was looking for a position in Kansas City. Things were looking brighter. “Yeah. I am.”
“You must have had a good day with your brother.”
Tyler’s eyes widened in surprise. “How did you know I saw Eric?”
“Lanie. She told Britt.” When Randy saw Tyler’s confusion, he took several steps into the room. “Britt was worried about you. You weren’t yourself at the photo shoot on Sunday night and she—”
Tyler held up his hands. “Whoa. Back up a step. What do you mean, I wasn’t myself?” Crap. He’d known Lanie wanted to keep them under wraps, and he should have been more careful. But this confirmed that he’d made the right decision in not going to the barbecue.
Randy tilted his head. “Before we started the photo shoot, you were anxious and pacing. And then you cancelled with us last night. So, since you drove Lanie home, and she was the last person we knew who had seen you in between, Britt quizzed her,” he said. “She asked how you’d been during the drive. What you’d said.”
Tyler grinned. If Britt only knew what had happened during the drive…“And Lanie said I told her I was going to see Eric.”
“And Britt’s curiosity was met?”
Randy chuckled. “We both know she’s always got questions, but Lanie convinced her there was nothing more going on with you two. Especially when Lanie told her about Aiden.” He paused, his smile fading a bit. “You’ll never guess who showed up—Victor.”
“You’re kidding.” At the moment, he didn’t give a damn about Victor. He was more interested in what Lanie had told Britt about Aiden. He suspected it wasn’t about the job offer.
“Nope. I invited him like I always do, but this was the first time he made an appearance. He was bragging about his big case,” Randy said, but his mouth was drawn, like something about Victor’s presence had bothered him.
Tyler shifted in his chair. “You know Victor. He loves to talk himself up.”
“He was talking about a sensitive case in a public setting.”
That got Tyler’s attention. He leaned forward and rested his forearms on his desk. “It was mostly just people from the law firm there, right?”
“And a few of Britt’s friends. And Lanie.”
“You have to tell one of the partners,” Tyler said. “They need to know about this right away. This isn’t the first time he’s shot off his mouth off in a social setting. Talk to Roger Hughes. He’ll be the most receptive.”
“That was my thought as well. Which is why I already talked to him. He wants you to take over the case.”
“It could be a high-profile case. Lots of press. You’re bound to piss off a lot of women.”
“How the hell would I do that?” Tyler asked.
“It’s one of those Margo Benson Boutiques, and once women find out you’re trying to shut it down, you’ll be public enemy number one with women in a hundred-mile radius.”
Tyler forced a grin. “I think I can handle it.” He sat back in his chair. Under any other circumstances, he’d jump at the chance, but all he could think about was all the time it would probably demand. Time he could otherwise spend with Lanie before she left.
Randy started to leave the office, but then stopped and turned around to face him again. “What do you think of Lanie?”
Tyler blinked, trying to figure out where that question had come from. He shrugged. “She seems nice. Britt is clearly happy that she’s back.” He was surprised his pulse had picked up and his palms were sweaty. “Why do you ask?” He reached for his bottle of water and took a swig.
Randy’s face was expressionless. “Britt thinks there might be something going on with you two.”
Tyler choked on his water and slammed his bottle on the desk, spraying water onto the papers strewn over the surface.
“Are you okay?” Randy asked, sounding alarmed.