Page 80 of Until You
“I thought you were going to that party at Randy’s.”
“I changed my mind.”
“So what prompted your visit with Eric?” he asked.
“He’s having trouble at school, and then I realized my dad’s not doing shit for him. He’s just a kid. He needs someone who cares. Turns out he’s a pretty cool kid. We’re going out to dinner on Wednesday.”
“Sounds like my baby boy’s growing up,” Matt teased.
“You haven’t seen Eric in over a year.”
“I’m talking about you.”
“You shy away from emotional attachments like they’re poison ivy. Why do you think you haven’t spent much time with the kid? Or women, for that matter.”
Tyler pushed away from the window in frustration. “Now you’re a psychologist?”
“It doesn’t take a genius to see that’s what you do.”
“If you’ve known this, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because you weren’t ready to see it yet.”
Tyler couldn’t deal with this right now. He headed toward his bedroom. “I’m tired. I’m going to bed.”
“Tyler. Wait.” Matt paused. “How about we go out for drinks again. Friday night?”
Tyler hesitated. “Let me get back to you.”
“Kevin says she’s leaving in three weeks.”
He pushed out a breath. “I know.”
“Just be careful.”
It was too damn late for that.
He’d hung up and plugged his phone into the charger when Lanie’s text popped onto the screen.
I’m looking forward to it.
So was he. Maybe a little too much.