Page 8 of Call Back
Walter Frey hadn’t wanted to meet me at the bar that night. I’d pressured him into it, and I still felt somewhat responsible for his death. After finding his body, I’d leaned in close to see if he was still alive. That was when I saw those things in his hand. Given the reason for our meeting, I’d deduced that the list was composed of people for me to either talk to or investigate. Geraldo Lopez was the only name I’d recognized offhand, and I’d made an appointment at his office using an alias. The rest was recent, and rather unpleasant, history.
I’d also seen two partial names on the list. Christopher Merritt, I’d discovered, was an accountant who’d disappeared just like my father had, only years later. The last entry ended in –ogers. I had no idea who it could be, but I planned to find out.
Owen stared at me, not contradicting my accusation, so I had to assume he had taken the list and the phone.
“You’re not warning me to protect me. Or Brady, for that matter,” I said, lowering my gaze to my hand on the table. “You’re worried about what I’m going to turn up.”
“Who says there’s anything to turn up? Maybe I’m trying to keep you from getting arrested for interfering with an investigation.”
I gave him a wry smile. “What investigation? My father’s disappearance case is closed. And so is Walter Frey’s, now that we know Dr. Lopez killed him.” I decided to be blunt. “I like how you threw everyone off the trail by saying Mr. Frey was robbed.”
An ugly look spread across his face. “Are you accusing me of interfering with an investigation?”
“We both know Walter Frey wasn’t robbed. But he was part of your uncle’s investigation into my father’s disappearance, and you didn’t want to drawany attention to that.”
Owen’s face reddened. “You got what you wanted—proof your father didn’t run away with his mistress. Time to let it go.”
“There’s more. A lot more.”
“Stay out of it, Magnolia. I can’t be responsible for what happens to you if you continue to push.”
“No,” I said as a new truth hit me. “I suspect that’s true, or you wouldn’t be warning me at all.” While I knew I should be worried about my safety, at the moment I was more worried about dragging the people I cared about into the middle of it. “But we both know you lied about killing Lopez. You were covering up your involvement in something.”
He looked startled for a second before he managed to conceal his reaction. “Magnolia, this is bigger than your father’s disappearance. Just accept that he’s gone and move on with your life—without Brady.” He stood. “Your apartment’s been released. You’re free to move back in, but if you’re smart, you’ll move back to New York and leave this all behind.”