Page 43 of Call Back
Her eyes grew wide. “No. That’s not right. How could she be dead? She has her whole life ahead of her.”
I reached across the table for her hand—a gamble. “She was murdered.”
She didn’t pull her hand away as I’d expected. Instead, her face paled and she slumped forward a few inches, looking even smaller, even sicker. “How?”
“I don’t know all the details, and I don’t even know if it made the news yet. Brady came to tell me at Miss Ava’s. He knew that Emily had been my attorney, so he wanted to tell me in person.” No need for her to know that he also thought I was in danger.
“What happened?” she choked out.
“I don’t know.”
Her gaze jerked up to mine. “He told you at Ava Milton’s house? Surely she knew some details, and lorded them over you.”
“You don’t want to know.”
Her eyes blazed with anger. “I’m a grown woman, Magnolia Mae Steele. You do not tell me what I do or don’t want.”
Her words were harsh, and I was relieved she’d regained some of her strength. “Emily’s neighbor found her dog in the hallway in the middle of the night. When she went to return the dog, she found the door unlocked and Emily in the kitchen. She was already dead.”
My mother’s trembling hand rested on the table. “How was she murdered?”
“I don’t know. And that’s the truth. Brady refused to tell me anything, and Miss Ava didn’t know.” I paused, feeling nauseous. “But she said there was a lot of blood.”
Momma’s face took on a greenish-white cast, making me worried. The waitress showed up with my water, and I grabbed it from her and thrust it toward my mother. “Drink this.”
Momma took the glass, but immediately set it on the table. “A glass of water isn’t gonna solve anything, Magnolia.” A soft smile lifted her lips. “But I love you for trying to make me feel better.”
The waitress took a step away from the table. “I can come back and check on you in a minute.”
“I know what I want,” Momma said, not looking at the waitress. She ordered a burger and fries, then shot me a look. “What? I’m already dying. Might as well eat whatever I want.”
The waitress now looked horrified.
“I’ll take the strawberry salad,” I said, shoving the menus at her. “And another glass of water.”
She nodded, turned on her heels, and left.
My mother looked better, but not by much.
“I’m so sorry about Emily,” I said again.
“You didn’t kill her,” she said dismissively. Then her eyes jerked up to mine. “Oh, Lord. Do you have an alibi?”
I couldn’t hide my small smile. “Yeah. I have a very strong alibi. I was with Brady from around six last night until he was called in on the case at four this morning.”
“Every minute accounted for?”
I lifted an eyebrow. “You think I’m a likely suspect?”
“Well, you did have a motive.”
“I forgave Emily a long time ago for all her backstabbing in high school.” Okay, so “long ago” was only four weeks ago. I’d done a lot of growing in a month. “And it sure wasn’t worth killing over.”
“I know you didn’t do it,” Momma said with an aggravated wave of dismissal, but it was barely a movement, as though she couldn’t find the energy to complete the physical task. “But that doesn’t mean the police will believe it.”
“I was with Brady. I’m pretty sure I’m safe.”
Momma was silent for a moment and then shook her head. “I can’t believe someone hurt her.”