Page 158 of Call Back
The first sob ripped from my chest. “She left me. I can’t believe she left me alone.”
Belinda hugged me from the other side. “No. We’re family. Family sticks together. You’re not alone.”
“Belinda,” Roy barked. “What are you doing? Get away from her. Magnolia made her choice when she left ten years ago.”
“Roy.” The name dripped off her tongue like it was poison. “Go fuck yourself.”
I gasped and turned around to face her, completely stunned. I’d never even heard her utter more than one damn. I started to laugh.
“What the hell’s so funny?” Roy asked. “I’m not kidding, Belinda. Come over here now.”
Belinda gave him a condescending glare.
“This is your last chance, Belinda. You either come over here or don’t come home.”
“Roy,” Belinda said in a softer tone. “You’re really screwed up if your mother just died, and your biggest concern is that I’m comforting your sister.”
Roy turned around and punched the elevator call button.
“I want to see her,” I said. “I want to tell my mother goodbye.”
“She’s already gone,” Roy shouted, still facing the closed elevator doors. “She’s not there.”
“You need to see her too, Roy,” I said, feeling stronger with Colt and Belinda beside me. “You need to tell her goodbye.”
He leaned his head into his arm on the wall, and his shoulders began to shake.
The elevator door opened again, and Tilly rushed out, panic on her face. She searched me out. “Maggie?”
I walked toward her and shook my head.
Tilly burst into tears and began to collapse. Colt helped me hold her up, and we led her to the waiting room to sit down and let the news sink in.
I looked up to check on Roy, only to realize he’d already left.
Tilly continued to cry, sitting between Colt and me, and Belinda knelt at her feet.
“I’m so sorry, Tilly,” I said through my own tears. “You didn’t get to tell her goodbye.”
She shook her head. “There was nothing left unsaid. It’s a lot more than most people get. I’m grateful for that.” Glancing around at us, she released a laugh through her sobs. “Why are you all hovering around me? You should be takin’ care of Magnolia.”
“They already are,” I said.
“That still doesn’t explain why you’re hovering around me.”
“It’s just like you told Roy,” I said. “You loved her the longest.” Then I added what I’d always suspected. “You loved her the most.”
Her chin trembled and fresh tears fell down her cheeks. “Oh, Magnolia. She was all I had.”
“No, Tilly,” I said grabbing her hand. “You have me.”
“And me,” Belinda said, putting her hand on top of mine.
“And me,” Colt added.
Turned out I wasn’t alone after all.