Page 150 of Call Back
“We’ll tell him together after this is done, but we have to go now.”
“Go where?”
“The basement.”
I violently shook my head even though I knew she couldn’t see me. “I can’t, Belinda. I get panic attacks. I’m having one now.”
“No,” she said firmly, bringing my face close to hers. “You can do this, Magnolia. Don’t give that man any more power over you than he already has.” She paused. “If Bill James really is the serial killer, this is your chance to take your life back.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m about to confront him, but I need you to cooperate. If I promise not to hurt you, will you promise me to play along?”
“Play along with what?”
“Good. It’s better if you think it’s real, but we have to move.” Her hand slipped into mine and squeezed tight. “I won’t let go. You’re safe with me.”
I wanted to tell her that her gun wasn’t making me feel very safe, but then I realized that between the two of us, we had two guns. The serial killer wasn’t likely to get the better of us tonight.
I closed my eyes and held the railing with one hand and her hand with the other. Since it was dark, I couldn’t see anyway, and closing my eyes somehow made me feel more in control.
We seemed to descend forever, but Belinda never loosened her hold on my clammy hand, and we finally reached a concrete floor at the bottom of the steps. I opened my eyes to a space much like the one above us, only there was light pouring through the bottom of the door.
Belinda cupped my face again. “I love you, Magnolia. No matter what happens, I won’t really hurt you. I need you to remember that.”
I shook my head. “What are you talking about?”
She opened the door, grabbed my upper arm with her left hand, and pulled me out into a small wine cellar. There was another door at the end of the small hallway—presumably the entrance to the larger part of the cellar. I heard muffled voices on the other side.
“Who is—?” I started to whisper.
Belinda clamped the hand holding the gun over my mouth, her eyes widening with fright. “The element of surprise is very important. Okay?” She’d whispered the words so quietly I could barely hear them.
I nodded, panicking again. Belinda may have sworn she wouldn’t hurt me, but she was freaking out herself, which made her extremely dangerous with a gun in her hand.
Lowering her hand, she tugged me closer to the opposite door. The sound of Colt’s voice sent a jolt through me. “It’s here. All of it. I need your guarantee you’ll leave Magnolia alone.”
“I never touched her,” a woman said. Her voice sounded . . . familiar. “But from the cameras I had installed in her apartment, it sure looks like you have.” When Colt didn’t answer, she became more insistent. “Does he know?”
“No.” Colt sounded defeated.
“He’s not going to be happy.” Her voice hardened. “Where is he?”
I realized who she was. Colt was talking to Rowena Rogers. But who was the he she kept referring to?
“I don’t know,” Colt said. “He hasn’t been in contact with me since Lopez’s death,” Colt said. “But Maggie doesn’t know anything. If you’re going to kill anyone, kill me. I’ve been working for him. I’m the guilty one.”
My eyes widened with fear, and Belinda shot me a warning look.
“Who said anything about killing anyone?” Rowena asked, but she sounded amused.
Were they talking about Bill? But if so, why would Bill care whether I lived or died?
“I see you lurking in the shadows, Bill,” Rowena called out. “Show yourself, or I’ll be forced to shoot.”
Had she mistaken Belinda and me for Bill? Could her bullets penetrate the wooden door separating us? The fact that we could hear their conversation so well led me to believe it was pretty thin.
“You always had a penchant for the dramatic, Rowena. What is this nonsense?” Bill asked, his voice getting louder. He was walking closer to them as he spoke.