Page 142 of Call Back
She couldn’t possibly guess what I’d learned. “Found out what?”
“That your father had an affair.”
I tried to hide my reaction. “People only think he slept with Shannon Morrissey. They were rumors, Momma. We both know they weren’t true.”
“Not her,” Momma said. “The other one.”
“What other one?”
“Don’t play stupid, Magnolia,” Momma said, sounding irritated. “I know you were listening in when I talked to Belinda.” My eyes widened, but she shook. It was a small movement—barely an inch either way—yet there was no denying it. “I know you, my girl. I’m not angry. I was counting on it. But since you were listening, don’t waste what little time I have left with lies and half-truths.” She paused and some of her fire faded. “You know damn good and well there was another woman. Rowena Rogers.”
“You knew?”
“Of course I knew. I’m not stupid either.”
“But Daddy didn’t think you knew.”
“And where did you hear that? Let me guess, Bill James.” Understanding filled her eyes. “So that’s where you went, huh? You always did like to play with fire.” She took several breaths before continuing. “Your father was a smart man, but stupid at relationships. He knows I nearly kicked him out, and I’m sure he never cheated again. Not even with that Morrissey woman.”
“Why didn’t you kick him out?” I asked. “How could you stay with him after that?”
“Oh, Magnolia, you’re still so young and idealistic. I stayed because I still loved him. I stayed because you worshipped him. I stayed because I liked our house and our lives and it would have ripped everything apart to leave. So maybe I was strong to stay . . . maybe I was weak. But I warned him there would be no second chances.”
“I had no idea.”
“And your father and I wanted to keep it that way, but I should have known better. No secret stays buried forever.” She took several breaths. “Your father loved you. It’s important you know that. I suspect he loved you more than me, but that’s okay, because I channeled my love into Roy . . .” Her voice faded and her eyes closed. “One mistake . . . one mistake can lead to another and another until you’re buried under an avalanche of them. I’m suffocating under my mistakes, Magnolia. I’m so damned tired of trying to climb out.”
I picked up her hand and held tight. “You don’t have to climb out, Momma,” I said in a broken voice. “I brought a great big bulldozer and cleared out a path.”
Her eyes squinted open and tears escaped from the corners, rolling down into her pillow. “And I love you for that.” Her voice barely a whisper, she asked, “Do you remember the dress you wore to your senior prom?”
“Of course,” I said with a laugh while I brushed away my tears. “But I’m surprised you do. You were working that night.”
“I know, and I’ve regretted it for most of my life. It was so important to you, and I just dismissed it.”
I smiled through my tears. “It’s okay. Remember that bulldozer?”
She fumbled for the remote on her bed, then pushed the call button.
“Momma?” I asked, trying not to panic. “Are you okay?”
“I’m about to be.”
Ten seconds later, a nurse walked in and stood in the doorway. “Do you need something, Mrs. Steele?”
Momma turned her head to face her. “I’ve changed my mind. Let’s start that antibiotic.”
The nurse broke into a big smile. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be right back to hang the bag.”
Tears clogged my throat. “You said you were done. What made you change your mind?”
“You may have bulldozed my mistakes away, but I’ve got plenty of makin’ up to do, starting with tonight. I know you’re probably still thinking about skipping that ball, but I want you to go. I want to see you all dressed up like the night I missed your prom, but I know you’ll never go if you’re worryin’ about me. If I start that antibiotic, it’s one less worry for you,” she said. “At least for tonight.”