Page 140 of Call Back
“What kind of answers?”
“About my father.”
He was quiet for a moment. “What did he tell you?”
“Who are you working for?” I countered.
“Dammit, Magnolia.”
“There you go.” I looked out the window at Bill’s house and noticed a figure in the window. It stepped back into the room, but not before I recognized Bill’s face. He wasn’t on a phone call. “I have to get back to Momma and figure out a dress. But I’ll be there, eight thirty. We’ll find out who wants the gold and then figure out where to go from there.” I pulled away from the curb.
“You don’t have to worry about that part, Maggie. I’ve got it covered. Just stay safe. We can’t be the most beautiful couple in Williamson County if you get killed before you show up tonight.”
I smiled at his statement; then I hung up, giving myself plenty of time to mull over everything I’d learned in the last hour and a half. I had more information than ever, but I had a feeling that I still didn’t know what really happened fourteen years ago.
* * *
A half hour later, I was back in my mother’s room, but she wasn’t alone. Belinda sat in the chair next to the bed, reading out loud. It took me five seconds of eavesdropping to figure out she was reading Tina Fey’s memoir. I couldn’t help smiling. Momma would have hated it if Belinda had been reading a classic like Pride and Prejudice.
“Hey,” I said softly when I walked into the room.
Belinda glanced over her shoulder. A frown tipped her mouth as she bent over and picked up her purse.
“You don’t have to go because of me,” I said, hating this new distance between us.
“It’s okay,” Belinda said as she stood. “I need to get ready. Are you still going tonight?”
I cast a worried glance at my mother, suddenly having second thoughts. “I’ve been gone for a few hours. I think I should stay.”
“You’re going,” Momma said with her eyes still closed. “I want to see pictures of you two girls together.”
Relief washed through me that she was awake. That she was still here with us.
“But I don’t have a dress.”
“I brought you one,” Belinda said, gesturing to the long garment bag hanging in the corner. She gave me a half-smile. “And also a pair of shoes. I guess I got to pick it out after all.”
“Belinda . . .” I reached for her, but she took a step back.
“I just need a little more time, okay?” But she didn’t just look hurt. She looked nervous. Maybe she thought she was pushing me away too much to get back to being friends.
I nodded, grateful she wasn’t writing me off forever. “Okay.”
She kissed Momma on the cheek. “You stay strong, Lila.”
“You girls need each other,” Momma said, her eyes narrowed to slits as she turned her head to face us. “Magnolia, will you please give us a moment?”
I blinked in surprise. “Okay.” But right or wrong, after I walked into the hall, I pressed my ear to the crack.
“Belinda,” Momma said. “Give up whatever silly feud the two of you have going on. I know Roy hasn’t treated you right, and I should have stepped in.”
Belinda gasped and I heard horror in her voice. “Lila, you . . .”
Momma continued, sounding stronger than she had for the past couple of days. “I only have so much energy, so I’m not gonna waste it arguing with you over the facts. I’m a wise old woman, although some might question the wise part, but sometimes I actually know things. I know this: Roy isn’t right for you, but Magnolia is. She’s goin’ to need you when I’m gone, Belinda. Can I count on you to be there for my girl?”
My mother was guilt-tripping my sister-in-law into babysitting me? I was beyond humiliated. But then it hit me: this was my mother’s way of telling Belinda goodbye.
My eyes began to sting, so I pried them wide open. I had to keep it together.