Page 12 of Call Back
“I changed my mind,” he said. “I’m starving. Let’s go get something to eat.” Then he headed toward me and grabbed my hand, twining our fingers together as he closed the door behind us and then led the way down the stairs.
“Get in your car, Maggie.” He stopped next to the driver’s door and opened it for me. The tightness in his voice scared me, so I did as he ordered. He walked around to the passenger side and climbed inside.
“What just happened?” I asked as soon as the doors were shut.
“Someone has bugged your apartment.”
“What?” I gave a slight shake of my head, sure I’d heard him wrong. “How could you possibly know that from standing in the center of the room?”
“I saw a camera in the bookcase. It’s pretty well hidden, but if you know where to look, it’s easy to spot.”
“Wait. You were looking?”
“Someone wants the gold, Maggie, and they think you have it. It makes sense they’d bug your place to find out where it is.”
“Who would do that?”
“You tell me,” he said in an accusatory tone.
“Not Brady. He doesn’t know anything. Besides, we haven’t discussed when I’m moving back into the apartment, so why would he bug this place? But it could be Owen, especially since he was so insistent I leave Brady’s apartment and come back to my own.”
“And what else did Detective Frasier have to say earlier?”
“He’s worried that I’m using Brady and will hurt him.”
Colt snorted. “Were you painting each other’s nails when he said it?”
I scowled. “No. While I do believe Owen’s worried about him, there’s more to it. He made no secret of the fact that he knew Dr. Lopez was looking for something. Neither of us mentioned the word gold, but I’m sure he knows. The question is how?”
“We have to assume we’re all on the same page,” Colt said.
“I wasn’t lying when I said I was hungry,” Colt said. “Let’s head over to Puckett’s and talk there.”
My mouth gaped. “Are you crazy? You want to discuss this in public? Downtown? You need to refocus your priorities. We have to debug my apartment. If there’s one camera, there’s more.”
“No. We’re going to leave them there.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“No.” He turned to face me. “Maggie, listen. If we take the cameras out, they’ll know we’re onto them. We can purposely mislead them. Give them false information. If they act on it, we might be able to figure out who’s behind it.”
I shuddered. “Maybe so, but I can’t live there knowing someone’s watching me.”
“Then we’ll set them up right away. But for now, we’ll go get something to eat and figure out where to go from here.”
I frowned, then checked the time on my phone: 3:45.
“Got a hot date?”
My head jerked up, surprised by his jealous tone. “Brady said he’d be home around six.”
“Is he expecting a hot meal when he gets home?”
I shot him a look. “What the hell has gotten into you?”