Page 83 of For the Birds
She gave a slow shake of her head and started scanning things. She picked up the package of zip ties. “This is an odd assortment of things. Whatcha plannin’ on doin’ withit?”
I hadn’t formed a plan to ease her into questioning, so I decided to be honest. “Protectin’ myself the next time someone tries to kidnapme.”
Her head jerked up and her eyes held mine. “Is that some kind of sickjoke?”
“No. Jeanne. I think the same guys who kidnapped Scooter kidnapped me last night.”
Her body stiffened and she took a step back. “You’re full of shit,” she said, then flung an arm toward me. “You’re standin’ in front of menow.”
“I’m not foolin’ you. I promise. I was wondering if we could ask you some questions about Scooter.”
A wild look filled hereyes.
I took a step closer and lowered my voice. “I’m friends with Skeeter Malcolm. I’m lookin’ for his brother.” Sure, I was trying to distance myself from him, but Jeanne had to know Scooter’s brother would want to find him. It seemed like it would buy me some credibility.
“He didn’t say nothin’ about you,” she sneered.
“You’ve talked tohim?”
“’Course I talked to him. He had me dragged down to the poolhall.”
“The day after it happened. Some guy showed up and took me over there.”
“But you didn’t tell them that you saw Scooter taken until last night. Why?”
Jeanne shook her head and picked up one of the dumbbells and scannedit.
“Jeanne,” Neely Kate said, “we want to helpyou.”
Jeanne’s face jerked up with an angry glare. “You don’t want to help me. You’re just like that asshole in the poolhall.”
“Skeeter?” she asked.
“No, the otherone.”
She gasped. “Jed?”
I understood her surprise. I’d never seen Jed be rude to a woman.
“No, that big guy. The one who looks like a tank. The one who took me over there.”
“Merv?” Neely Kate asked, her eyes narrowing.
Fear filled Jeanne’s eyes. “I don’t want to talk about it nomore.”
“Jeanne,” I pleaded. “We want the same thing you do. We want to find Scooter and bring him homesafe.”
When she didn’t say anything, Neely Kate said, “I had a run-in with Merv last week. When you saw him, did he have a bruised face from his bustednose?”
She gave a quick nod as she picked up the pocket knife.
“I’m the one who gave it tohim.”
Jeanne jerked her gaze up again, giving her a skepticallook.
“It’s true. He and I had a disagreement. He shoved me against the wall and tried to choke me, but I fought him off. I busted his nose and broke hishand.”