Page 67 of For the Birds
He exploded. “Depends onwhat?”
“On what they want, James. If it’s for the good of the county, then maybe Ido.”
He stalked up, looming over me. “What does Reynolds want you todo?”
I wondered if I should just tell him, but I suspected he’d think it was too dangerous and have Brett or Jed follow me everywhere. “James, you can’t keep me from doin’ this, just like I can’t stop you from bein’ the king of Fenton County.”
Surprise filled his eyes. “You don’t want me to beking?”
I took a deep breath. “I’ve never made any secret of the fact that I’m constantly worried about you. Being in charge puts a target on yourback.”
“You don’t want me to be king?” he asked more quietly, as though putting things together.
I didn’t answer.
“I’m never leavin’ this world, Rose. You have to know that. If you have some scheme cooked up to get me out ofit—”
“I would never put you in danger. I would never try something underhanded.”
He put his fingers under my chin and tilted my head up to face him. “I’m never leavin’, Rose.”
That was the crux of our problems. “Iknow.”
“And yet you’re doin’ it anyway.”
“I’m keepin’ yousafe.”
He dropped his hold on me and took a step back. “I never asked you to keep mesafe.”
I slid off the stool. “You would do anything to keep me safe. You’ve proven that time and again. Why do you find it odd that I want to do the same foryou?”
“You don’t get it, Rose. I’ve lived in this world for years and done just fine. I. Don’t. Need. You.” He paused. “Except in my bed. Turns out I need you there.”
I shook my head. “You can’t have it both ways. All of me ornone.”
He paused. “And if I asked for all of you, would you give it tome?”
I really wanted to tell him yes, but the things that stood between us might as well be mountains or skyscrapers, and if we weren’t going to mow them down, I couldn’t see my way toward us being happy. So I didn’t say anything atall.
His eyes darkened. “I’m goin’ to ask you one more time. What does Buck Reynolds want you todo?”
“And I’m gonna tell you one more time that it’s none of your cotton-pickin’ business.”
His phone vibrated on the counter, and he reached over to pick it up. His face hardened as he tucked it into his pocket. “Time for you togo.”
I gasped in disbelief. “So you’re kicking me out because I won’t tellyou?”
“No. I called Jed to pick you up, and he’shere.”
“People are watchin’ you. It’s better if we’re not seen together.”
He was right, but I was still surprised and a little hurt. I’d thought we would have more time together.
“So you want me to go? Just like that?” My voice broke. Dammit. I didn’t want to cry, but my stupid eyes didn’t care what I wanted.
“No. God. No. I don’t want you to go. You know that.” He slipped his arms around my back and pulled me close. “But you’re right—this is what we agreed to, and you don’t seem inclined to change your mind. As much as I want this, I have to respect your decision.” His hold tightened. “I assume Reynolds has asked you to do something that relates to my brother. I don’t know what it is, but you have to know this is dangerous.”