Page 53 of For the Birds
Buck handed me his unlocked phone, and I pressed Skeeter’s number in the list of recent calls.
“Malcolm,” he grunted.
“James. I need someone to come getme.”
“Where areyou?”
“I’m at the fertilizer plant.”
“Since you’re using Reynolds’ phone, I take it he’s there withyou.”
“Mr. Reynolds is just about to leave.”
“Sit tight.” Then he hungup.
I handed the phone back to Buck, but rather than let go of it, I grabbed his wrist and held on. This was my opportunity to get some answers, and I’d be a fool not to take advantage ofit.
I closed my eyes and focused hard, asking, Does Buck have information on Scooter? The vision didn’t come immediately, and Buck tried to pull away, but I dug my fingers in until a vision burst into myhead.
I was in a living room with Tim Dermot and Kip Wagner, holding a beer bottle in myhand.
“You think she’s gonna do it?” Kip asked.
“Yeah,” I said in Buck’s voice, then took a sip of beer. “She’s too damn cozy with Malcolm to suit me, but I think she’ll find his brother, if for no other reason than to make Skeeter happy. And it’ll save our skins in the process. Win-win.”
The vision faded and I said, “You think I’m too cozy with Skeeter.” Then I released his hand and took a stepback.
After opening and closing his mouth a couple of times like a guppy, he said, “That may be true, but I expect results sooner rather than later.”
I gave him an indignant look. “You still don’t get it, do you? You asked for my help. That makes me the person calling the shots. Don’t get too big for your britches.”
“And the same could be said for you. I just saved yourlife.”
“We’re gonna call that a gesture of good faith.” I pointed to his hand. “I could have kept your phone and given it to Skeeter so he could go through all your contacts, but I didn’t—my gesture of good faith.”
He looked pissed but kept his mouth shut and drove off. I was surprised he’d stuck around so long, truth be told. He risked getting caught by James’ men.
I didn’t have to wait long for someone to arrive. Less than ten minutes later, I was sitting on the curb in front of the office part of the plant when I saw James’ car speed around the corner. He skidded to a stop in front of me and was out of his car faster than I could get to myfeet.
He took one look at my bloody skirt and his face twisted withrage.
“I’m going to kill the fucking bastard.”
I shook my head, unable to speak past the burning lump in my throat. Everything that had happened over the last couple of hours hit me at once. Now that James was here, I could let my guard down because I knew in my heart he’d die before he let anything happen to me. It only drove home how much I’d missed him. I hadn’t seen or talked to him in three weeks, and every day had been agony.
I took a step forward and reached for him. He was there within seconds, and I flung my arms around his neck, collapsing into his chest as I started tocry.
He wrapped me up in his arms, holding me as I sobbed.
Some brave woman I’d turned out tobe.
“Are you hurt?” His voice sounded strangled. “What did theydo?”
“I’m okay,” I choked out. “Just holdme.”
He cupped the back of my head and pressed my cheek to his chest as I cried my heart out. The reality that I’d almost been murdered multiple times tonight was sinking in. I had to be strong with everyone else, but I could let my guard down around James. I knew he wouldn’t take it as a sign that I was weak or incapable of taking care of myself . . . and I was fairly certain he felt the same way aboutme.
He stroked my back, whispering in my ear, “You’re okay. I won’t let anything happen to you again.”