Page 41 of For the Birds
“Of course you don’t. You go. I’ll be fine. I promise.”
He opened the front driver’s side door. “Rose, I feel absolutely terribleaboutthis.”
“Please don’t.” I gave him a grin, but I was still shaken up after seeing the injured dog. “I got to see you at work, Dr. Romano, and I’m impressed. You were very take-charge. I like that in aman.”
He grinned.
“So don’t worry about leavin’, okay? I’ll talk to you later.”
He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. “I’ll make it up to you, Rose. I promise.”
He got inside and backed up, giving me a wave as he pulledaway.
I was standing in the road, so I walked back to Levi’s empty parking spot, realizing I’d left my purse in his truck. I could call him back, but he’d already left the parking lot. I’d just get it tomorrow. Besides, I had my phone, which was the important item. Who should I call? Maeve was closer, but I didn’t want her to have to take me all the way out to the farm. Maybe I could have her take me to her house and Neely Kate could pick me up there. It had been a few weeks since Maeve and I had had a good chat. She’d probably be happy to hear from me even if it was afternine.
Decision made, I started to pull my phone out of my pocket . . . but I didn’t get very far. Someone had moved up behind me, and there was something hard and narrow pointed between my shoulder blades.
I’d had enough experience to know it was agun.