Page 35 of For the Birds
“What do you know about blue-fronted Amazon parrots?” I asked.
His eyebrows shot up. “Are you interested in getting a parrot?”
I could have lied to him, but if I was going to keep seeing him, I needed to start telling him things. Neely Kate was right. I’d paid the price of dishonesty in a relationship, and I didn’t want to go there again. “No.” How much did I tell him? That we were doing free labor for a P.I.? Or just that we were looking for thebird?
“I saw you eyeing that flyer this morning.”
Bingo. “Yeah. Neely Kate has a thing for animals, so she wants to look for him. We talked to Mr. Whipple this afternoon.”
I shrugged. “Nothing like takin’ the bull by the horns and goin’ straight to the source.” I paused to gauge his reaction. Levi sounded surprised, but he didn’t act like we’d done anything out of the ordinary. “Mr. Whipple says Squawker likes to fly into the trees in the park.” I turned to face him. “I didn’t think parrots couldfly.”
“They can naturally, but most owners clip their wings. I’ve only seen Squawker in my office once. He’d eaten something off the kitchen counter, so Mr. Whipple brought him in for a checkup. I suggested he clip Squawker’s wings because that’s the danger. If they can fly, they can get into things they shouldn’t. Or get hurt flying into things inside a small house.”
“Mr. Whipple thinks someone stole his bird. Is there a black market for birds?”
“Sure. With some species like a cockatoo, but not usually with blue-fronted Amazons. Mr. Whipple said he stopped a robbery mid-progress and the would-be robber dropped his TV in his yard. I suspect Squawker got loose during the robbery, got scared, and flew off. The fact he was seen in the park two days later only confirms my theory.”
“Mr. Whipple says he doesn’t trust the neighbor who sawhim.”
Levi looked surprised. “He thinks he’s lying?”
“He didn’t accuse him of lying, but his next-door neighbor said Mr. Whipple and his neighbor down the street don’t get along.”
“You talked to his next-door neighbor?” He came to a halt at a stoplight and gave me a long look. “Neely Kate either has a true soft spot for animals, in which case she could make a serious case for being Mary’s replacement, or you all are desperate for the reward money.” Concern filled his eyes. “Are you having financial issues?”
I shook my head. “Oh, no. Six months ago, I was in dire straits, but we’re in the black. We’re doingwell.”
“Then why are you two putting so much effort into looking for a lostbird?”
I debated how much to say, then decided there was little point in keeping any of it quiet. I’d just lay it all out and let him walk away of his own free will if he felt so inclined. That would decide this “relationship” once and for all. “The truth is we like to investigate things.”
“You’re private detectives?” he asked, not sounding all that surprised.
“No . . . more like amateur sleuths.”
“So you’ve had cases before?”
“A few . . . like the dog we were lookin’ for when Neely Kate and I brought the baby pig to your office. But that one was more like helpin’ out a friend.”
“Do you ever get into anything dangerous?”
“Uh . . . A time ortwo.”
He pulled into the crowded parking lot and parked in the second to the back row, taking one of the few spacesleft.
I saw a few people walking across the parking lot, and it was obvious that I was overdressed.
“Maybe we should just go to Little Italy for dinner,” I said as a woman in denim short shorts and a sparkly pink tube top walked past ourcar.
“Rose,” Levi said in a soft tone, and I turned to face him. “You are stunningly beautiful. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I’m pretty damn excited for half the county to see you’re out with me tonight. Besides, you’re not the only woman dressed up. Look at her.” He pointed toward a woman wearing a pale yellow, spaghetti-strap sundress.
“Not even close,” I said with a grin. “But you’re sweet totry.”
“There’s nothing sweet about it,” he said in a husky tone. Then he lowered his face to mine. His lips were soft and coaxing, but they turned more insistent when I didn’t pullback.
Kissing Levi wasn’t repulsive. He was a good kisser—and I’d had a few bad kisses to know the difference—but it just felt wrong. Would that change if I gave this thing between us more time? How many men had I kissed in the last year? Five? Maybe I was just channeling Miss Mildred and worrying I was acting like a hussy.