Page 21 of For the Birds
“Do you really believe he’ll think less ofyou?”
“I don’tknow . . .”
“Well, he won’t, but you’re still not ready to share that withhim.”
I could see where she was going with this, but I wasn’t buying it. “That’s like comparing apples and oranges. You and me are a heck of a lot closer than me and Levi. And whatever Kate claims to know scared the pee out of you. I want to helpyou.”
After a moment of silence, she took a step closer. “I’ll tell you one part of my past—a big part—and that’s all I’ll tell you for now, okay? I’ll tell you the rest when I’m ready. Like we said earlier, we’ll do it a little at atime.”
I wanted her to feel safe telling me all of it, especially since I was pretty sure she’d told Jed. But I was thankful she was telling me anything at all. “Okay.”
She took a breath and held it, her hands shaking.
I grabbed her hands and held them between my own. “There’s absolutely nothing you can tell me that will change my opinion of you, NeelyKate.”
She nodded, but the look in her eyes suggested she didn’t believe me. Just when I feared she’d changed her mind, she whispered, “I killed aman.”
I let the surprise wash over me, then offered her a shaky smile. “So haveI.”
“I’m not sure this one was self-defense, Rose.”
I wasn’t prepared for that, but I nodded. “I’m sure you had a good reason for doin’ what you did. The police obviously let youoff.”
“The police don’t know anything aboutit.”
I let that roll around in my head for a moment. If the police didn’t know about it, did that mean Neely Kate was still at risk? “They don’t know how hedied?”
“They never found hisbody.”
I took several breaths, my imagination running wild, but she was watching me like a hawk with fear in her eyes. I pulled her into a hug. “I trust you, Neely Kate. I trust that you did what you had todo.”
She hugged me back and started tocry.
“Did you really think I’d turn my back on you?” I whispered in her ear. “You’ve had a hard life. I suspected you’d been in some rough situations that required violence, just like with Merv.” I grabbed her shoulders and stared into her eyes. “There won’t be any judgment coming from me. We just need to worry aboutKate.”
“I don’t think she knows the whole story. Just bits and pieces.”
“And what does Jedsay?”
“He thinks I’msafe.”
I nodded. “Then we’ll trustJed.”
She watched me for a second. “You’re not gonna ask for more details?”
“Not unless you want to share them. I only need to know the names of the skeletons in your closet. I don’t necessarily need to know how they got there or what they’re wearin’.”
She threw her arms around me and squeezed. “I love you, Rose.”
“I love you too.” I squeezed her back for several seconds, then pulled away and said, “Now tell me how in the Sam Hill we ended up at Kermit Cooper’s trailer.”
Her face flushed. “Jed.”
I gave her a coy smile. “So youtwo . . . ?”
She gave me a hesitantlook.
“If you’re worried I’m upset and don’t approve, put those concerns to rest. You’ll never find a more loyal man than Jed Carlisle.” I grinned. “And he’s pretty cutetoo.”