Page 15 of For the Birds
“I didn’t plan on staying, which was good since he didn’t have time to eat with me. I was just fixin’ to do something nice forhim.”
She bumped her shoulder into mine. “I’m sure he appreciatedit.”
“He was pleasantly surprised.” I paused. “He asked me to go out with him tonight.”
“Oh.” Her grin softened. “See? I knew wearin’ that outfit would payoff.”
“I’m not canceling our plans,” I said. “I told him you and I were going to the carnival, but I invited him to come along. Are you upset?”
“Upset? No! I’m excited for you. You know I wholeheartedly approve of Levi.” Then she made a face. “But I don’t want to be a third wheel.”
“You’re not. I only invited him because he thought I was giving him the brush-off after our last date. And when I told him no again . . . well, I didn’t want him to think I really was avoiding him. I’m sorry.” Neely Kate and I had been treading on shaky ground ever since her trip, and now I felt like I’d messed up again.
“Rose! No. Don’t be sorry. I don’t mind if Levi comes. I’m just sayin’ I’ll stay home so you two can have a realdate.”
I stared at her in disbelief. “But last week you were dyin’ to go to the carnival.”
She shrugged and then gave me a devious grin. “I’d rather let you and Dr. Levi have a romantic evening together.”
“At the carnival?”
“Of course! Clinging to him at the top of the Ferris wheel—on top of the world . . . you can see half the town from up there.”
I chuckled. “And who would want to see half of Henryetta?”
She laughed and shoved my arm. “You have no romantic imagination.”
My smile wavered. I did have romantic imagination. I just had it with the wrong man, whom I was desperate to forget. “I’m gonna take your word on that, but I still feel bad because you were the whole reason we were goin’ in the first place.”
She lifted a shoulder into a half-shrug. “The kids have worn me out. I’ll stay home with Muffy. She’s probably lonely since we left her at the farm by herself today. I’ll sit out on the front porch and watch her play while I read abook.”
Everything she said sounded true, yet I couldn’t help thinking there was something she wasn’t telling me. “Are yousure?”
“Yes! Men don’t get much better than Levi Romano. You can’t let him get away, because there are women lining up to go out withhim.”
“Literally,” I said. “On his appointment books.”
“Well then, that’s settled. Let’s get some cupcakes before Miss Mildred starts stuffing them into her purse.”
A quick glance at the refreshments table proved she wasn’t exaggerating. My eighty-three-year-old former neighbor was holding two cupcakes over her open purse. Miss Mildred was eccentric, but I never would have thought her capable of sneaking cupcakes.
“Hey, Miss Mildred,” Neely Kate said. “Whatcha doin’ with those cupcakes?”
She spun to face us, looking flustered. “Why, I’m gonna eat ’em, of course.”
“Two of them?” Neely Kate leaned closer and peered into her purse. “And you’re takin’ two more home for later?”
“We have a box you can put those in so you don’t muck up your purse,” I said, trying not to laugh.
Irritation filled her eyes. “Are you the cupcake police?”
“Sorry, Miss Mildred,” Neely Kate said. “I’m just worried you’re gonna give yourself diabetes.”
“I can manage my own daggum diabetes.”
Miss Mildred wandered off, grumping about “meddlin’ girls,” but I didn’t pay her any mind. Bruce Wayne had just walked in; he’d changed since this morning, and his hair was damp. I watched as Anna headed straight for him and gave him a welcoming kiss. Bruce Wayne smiled at her like she was the only woman alive, and my heart nearly burst with happiness for him. He’d had a rough childhood, devoid of the affection and regard he deserved, and while his friends, myself included, had helped him change his life with our love and friendship, Anna was the one who’d truly brought out the man he was today.
My traitorous mind was quick to turn to James. He was a different man today than the one I’d first met. Jed had once told me that I made James a better man and leader, and James himself had showed me time and again that he truly respected my opinions. He’d also trusted me enough to show me his vulnerable side, something he usually revealed to noone.
Fool that I was, I’d started falling for him. And even though I knew better, I couldn’t seem tostop.