Page 147 of For the Birds
“I don’t know,” she said, sounding like she couldn’t catch her breath. “She dropped in at the nursery to say hello. She seemed fine; then she just collapsed. Mike wouldn’t wait for the ambulance—he just picked her up and rushed off withher.”
“Do you know where the kids are?” I was already halfway up the stairs to change my clothes.
“With Mike’s parents. Violet said they came back to town early.”
“Thank you, Maeve.”
“Let me know if you hear anything.”
Neely Kate had followed me, and I quickly explained to her what was going on as I threw on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. “Will you come with me?” I asked. “I’m scared to death.”
“Of course.” She pulled me into a hug. “I’m here, Rose. I’m always here for you. But first let’s put on some makeup to cover up some of those bruises. Your sister’s goin’ through enough without having to worry aboutyou.”
* * *
Violet wasn’tin the ER when Neely Kate and I got to the hospital. She’d been moved to a room on the second floor.
Neely Kate clasped my hand in hers as we got on the elevator. I knew deep in my gut that this was bad news, and I was pretty sure Neely Kate knew ittoo.
Violet was lying in a bed with her eyes closed, hooked up to an IV and monitors. Mike sat in a chair next to her. His gaze jerked up when he saw us, and he got up and moved to the door, motioning for us to head backout.
“I don’t want to wake her,” he said in the hall. His face was pale and drawn under the fluorescent lights. Even though Neely Kate had worked wonders with her makeup, she could only do so much. His eyes lingered on my face, and I knew I’d only added to his list of evidence that I wasn’t fit to be around his family.
I nodded, suddenly unable to speak.
“What happened?” Neely Kate asked.
“She’s pushin’ too hard. She knows—” He cut off his words.
“She knows what?” Neely Kate asked.
But I suddenly knew. Parts of our conversation yesterday came back to me. I was scared.
“How long does she have?” I asked in a whisper.
“When we left Houston, they didn’t know. Weeks.” Hope filled his eyes. “Months? We were hopin’ for months.”
I started to cry, then stopped myself. Mike needed me to be strong. Violet needed me to be brave. “What are they sayin’ now?”
“If she can get through this infection, the same. She needs to get through the infection.”
I nodded. Before thinking it through, I started to reach for his arm. I could have a vision and see if she’d survivethis . . .
Then I drew back. We needed to live life the way it was meant to be lived—with surprises, both the good and the bad. I wasn’t sure why I had this gift or curse, but it had no place here. Not in this. Not if I could helpit.
I pulled my hand back. “I want to seeher.”
Mike nodded. “She wants to see you too. I’ll wait in thehall.”
I walked back into the room, and Violet’s eyes opened this time, but thankfully she didn’t seem to notice myface.
“Rose.” She reached her too-thin hand towardme.
I moved closer and took it inmine.
Disappointment filled her eyes. “You know. Mike toldyou.”