Page 121 of For the Birds
“The nursery’s about to start makin’ a profit,” I said. “But there’s not enough to bump you back up to full time and keep payin’ Maeve, and it’s obvious you’re not ready to be workin’ full time. It could be a way to bring in more money for you. I’ll even manage it if you’dlike.”
Surprise filled her eyes. “I hadn’t considered that, but Mike was so set on sellin’ it.”
“What do you want, Violet?” I asked, trying to hide my irritation. “It’s yourhouse.”
She gave me a sad smile. “I’ll talk toMike.”
Hearing my brother-in-law’s name made me think of Elijah Landry. I almost asked her about the Beagles, but I wasn’t ready to do that yet. Right now, I just wanted to be Violet’s sister.
“I bet the kids are excited to have youback.”
“Ashley barely leaves my side, but Mikey’s kind of forgotten me,” she said with tears in her eyes. “I suppose that’s to be expected.”
“He’ll get used to you being here again,” I said. “Just give himtime.”
She smiled again, and I couldn’t help thinking that even her smile looked frail. “Time is a precious commodity, Rose. Don’t wasteit.”
“What are you talkin’ about?” I asked, suddenly afraid.
She put her hand on mine. “Stop lookin’ so scared. I’m just bein’ maudlin. Come sit next to me like you used to when we werekids.”
She moved a stack of pillows and I sat next to her, my hip pressed to hers, thankful I was sitting on her right side since my stitches had started hurting again.
She snagged my hand and laced our fingers together. “I’ve missed you, Rose.”
“I’m just so happy you’re back. I promise to make time to see you even when business picks back up thisfall.”
“I’m not talkin’ about just while I was gone. I miss us bein’ close. Like we were before Mommadied.”
She was right. Momma had kept me so cut off from the world. Until Neely Kate came into my life, Violet had been my best friend, my only friend. I’d been Violet’s best friend too, but it had all been one-sided—just like Momma, Violet had wanted to run my life, only in a different way. Still, she loved me and I loved her, and there was no denying we’d grown apart once I’d started asserting my independence. I wanted to trust that her brush with death had changed her. I wanted to be close again. “I’d like to work onthat.”
She rested her head on my shoulder. “Tell me about your life. How’d your date with that vet go? What was hisname?”
“Levi. And he’s nice. It was . . . nice.”
She was silent.
“There’s just something missin’.”
“Do you still love Mason?”
“Part of me does, but I’m not as sad. I’m ready to move on.” Memories of my night with James filled my head. Obviously I was ready to move on, just with the wrongguy.
Violet softly squeezed my hand. “Who ishe?”
My body stiffened. “I told you. Levi’s the new vet at Henryetta Animal Clinic.”
“That’s not what I’m talkin’ about, and you knowit.”
I hesitated, then finally said, “Someone I probably have no business bein’ with.”
“Is he married?” She sat up and turned to face me, her eyes pleading. “Because Rose, if he is, end it now. I went down that road and nothin’ but heartache. For everyone.”
I squeezed her hand. “He’s not married . . . not to a woman, anyway. He’s married to hisjob.”
She pushed out a sigh and sank back into the sofa cushions. “Oh, that’s even worse. That means he’s giving you up for something that can’t love him back. Just like Mason. He ended up leaving you for a newjob.”
It was nothing like Mason. Mason had left because I’d hurt and betrayed him with my lies. With my life as the Lady in Black.