Page 113 of For the Birds
“This is none of your concern, Rose,” he said in a tight voice.
“You’re about to start a war, so yes, it is my concern.”
“I have proof that Reynolds took my brother, and that’s all you need toknow.”
“What proof?”
“Once again, Rose, it’s not your concern. Now I have to go.” Then he hungup.
What proof had he gotten? I pulled up Jed’s number and calledhim.
“Rose? Everythingokay?”
“Neely Kate and I are fine, if that’s what you’re askin’, but James is about to do something stupid. I need to know what supposed proof he has that Buck Reynolds is behind Scooter’s disappearance.”
“Proof? I don’t know anything about proof.”
“He just told me that he has some, and he says he’s takin’ care of it tonight. He told me that Neely Kate and I need to stay inside.”
He was quiet for a moment. “They’ve cut me out of theloop.”
“What? I thought you were helpin’ look for Scooter.”
“I was. But Merv and I had another run-in last night, and Merv convinced Skeeter to let me loose for good. Merv said it isn’t good business to involve me since I’ve decided not to return to the fold. He claims I’m no better than those turncoats you exposed last winter.”
“And James believesthat?”
“He wants blood, and Merv seems to be offering it to him. What good is his leadership if he can’t keep his brother safe? His reputation is on the line. He needs to make a show of force.”
“So Merv has taken your place?”
“Looks likeit.”
“Can you keep a secret from James?” I asked.
“Depends on what itis.”
“But you’re not even workin’ for him anymore.”
“We go way back, Rose. Workin’ for him or not, I’m still loyal.”
Miss Mildred and Neely Kate had stopped on the sidewalk. Miss Mildred was pulling a handful of lettuce out of her pocket and adding it to the top of her head. Squawker pecked at her head and snatched up a piece of lettuce, flinging it at Neely Kate, then squawked in a piercing voice, “Salad!”
I shook my head. Focus. “Buck Reynolds hired me to find Scooter.”
“I’m pretty sure we know things that James doesn’t. We’re makin’ progress, but Tim Dermot called to tell me that James issued an ultimatum. Either Buck returns Scooter by eight tonight or he’s declarin’ war. Unless there’s a miracle, or we get a breakthrough in the next few hours, that’s not gonna happen.”
“I’m not sure what to do, Jed. I have to stop this from happenin’.”
“Tell him what you’re up to. Tell him what you found.”
“Do you think he’ll listen?”
Jed paused. “Not if he thinks he has solid proof. You don’t know what itis?”