Page 107 of For the Birds
“You’re certain?”Neely Kate asked.
She nodded.
“Was this the guy you saw this morning?” I asked, pointing to Paul Beagle.
She nodded.
I turned to Neely Kate. This was huge. “We need to look for Paul Beagle.” I glanced out the window and saw Witt sitting on a bench across the street, pretending to be ogling a young woman as she walked by. Or at least I told myself he was pretending. “I’m gonna take Witt his lunch and tell him about this newlead.”
I turned my gaze to Jeanne, making sure she was comfortable withthat.
“Do you really think you can find Scooter?” she asked, looking hopeful.
“We’re one step closer thanks to you.” I grabbed Witt’s bag and stepped out into the sunshine, sweat already beading on my forehead. I scanned the street before crossing it and caught a glimpse of Jed in the distance. If Witt saw him, he was going to be pissed. I pulled out my phone and sent Jed a message.
If you’re gonna follow us, you can’t let Witt see you. We promised him we’re working independent of James.
He read my text, then pocketed his phone.
I headed across the street and sat next to Witt on the shaded bench. “We got you something,” I said, handing him the bag. “You found a spot with a good breeze.”
He opened the bag and pulled out his sandwich, then took a bite. “Good place to observe things too,” he said through a mouthful of food. “I can see you girls if you leave Merilee’s. If I turn a bit, I can see your office to the side. And if I turn the other way, I can see Jed Carlisle bidin’ his time until you girls leave.” He took another bite, as nonchalant as he pleased.
How did I respond tothat?
He chewed, watching me and waiting for a response. Finally, I said, “It’s not exactly what you think.”
“And how’s that?” he asked good-naturedly and took anotherbite.
“I don’t think he’s here on Skeeter’s behalf.”
“Why else would he behere?”
“I suspect it’s more personal in nature.”
He lowered his hand to his lap and narrowed his eyes. “Personalhow?”
“I’m not at liberty tosay.”
“Then I may not be at liberty to help you.” I would have expected anger behind those words, but I heard resignation instead. “Look, you’re just foolin’ yourself if you think you can work independently of Skeeter Malcolm. No one’s ever gonna trust you, and even if you could, you’d be a sittin’ duck.”
I didn’t say anything. How would I answer? I was pretty sure he was right.
“There’s no denying you pulled off a nifty trick with Buck and Dermot, but you probably gained a new enemy too. It’s a rough world, Lady. I suspect Malcolm’s done a good job of shieldin’ you from a lot of the ugliness, but it’s there, bobbin’ below the surface, just waitin’ for the right moment to snatch you and drag you under.”
“You think I’ll end up dead if I continuethis?”
He sat up straighter. “I like you, Rose. A lot. You’ve made Neely Kate’s life so much better. She’s never had a friend like you—someone good—but even if you don’t end up dead, you’ll lose your goodness. Once you wallow in pig shit, it’s hard to lose the stench.”
I nodded and folded my hands in my lap. I could see the truth in his words. It wasn’t so different from what James had told me. “But I can make a difference, Witt. I have the power to help people.”
“Did you ever think that the people you’re tryin’ to help might not deserveit?”
He shoved the last half of his sandwich into his mouth, probably to signal he was ready to end the discussion. Too bad I wasn’tdone.