Page 68 of Trailer Trash
“Some of those deaths were self-defense, but in some cases I played judge and jury. I offered to kill someone for Rose, and she begged me not to. I gave Rose what she wanted, but the bitch turned around and tried to kill Rose right after I left. Looking back on the whole thing, I wish I’d gone ahead and killed her. What do you think of me now?”
I only saw a man who was protecting my friend. “I’m not kickin’ you out, Jed.”
He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, then leaned back to look at me. “So why in the hell would I leave you? You killed in self-defense,” he said. “I haven’t figured out who you killed yet—although I have my suspicions—but I’m not running, Neely Kate. I’m still here. I’ll help you with whatever you need to do.”
I closed my eyes and buried my head underneath his chin. “Thank you.”
“What do you say we take the night off and start back on this tomorrow?”
“No. I want to finish it and go home. What time is it?”
“So we have a few hours before we can go see Carla,” I said, then sat up. “We need to find Beasley.”
Jed’s jaw clenched.
“Jed, Ineedto find out if he talked to Kate. He’s the only one who knows about the azaleas, and my life could be on the line. Especially if a guy came looking for me a few months ago.”
He sat up and picked up my hand, linking our fingers. “Then we talk to Beasley. And I promise not to beat the ever-lovin’ shit out of him until after you get everything you need to know out of him.”
“No, Neely Kate. Don’t you dare make me promise to play nice to a man who sat back and watched that asshole abuse you.” His face reddened. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead into his shoulder. “It’s complicated.”
“The hell it is.”
I sat back and studied his face. “He went to jail for me, Jed. That isn’t something that can be taken lightly. He forfeited years of his life to protect me. You’re not beatin’ him up.”
His face softened. Slightly. “Fine. I won’t beat the shit out of him unless he does something that warrants it. That’s the best I can do.”
I narrowed my eyes, but he stared at me unapologetically. “Okay.”
“Then let’s go find Beasley.”
Chapter 19
It was all welland good to know that Beasley might have worked in a hardware store, but there were nine possible locations. It was disconcerting, especially since it was already after six thirty.
Jed frowned. “You said Beasley has an aunt. Do you know where she lives?”
I searched my memory. “I was only there a couple of times. I don’t know an address, and I’m not sure I could find it.”
“How about her name?”
“Beverly Desoto.”
Jed searched his phone, then gave me a grim smile. “Jackpot.” His smile fell. “Maybe I should do this without you.”
“He’ll never talk to you, or at least I hopeto Godhe wouldn’t talk to you.” When Jed looked taken aback, I said, “I’m counting on the fact he’s never told anyone. If he blabs it to you without me around, then who else has he told?”
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m only trying to protect you, Neely Kate.”
“And while I appreciate it, I still need to face it. Maybe it’s the only way I’ll ever truly be free.”
He took me by surprise and kissed me, his lips soft on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held tight. Jed was my lifeline in this turbulent sea of my past.