Page 3 of Trailer Trash
He dropped his hold and took a step back, running his hand through his short hair. “My father isn’t the only dangerous Simmons.”
As if he needed to tell me that . . .
“Maybe you’re confusing me with Rose because we’re best friends, but I’m not as naïve as her.” Even as I said the words, I felt like a traitor. While I had plenty of experience with lowlifes and two-bit criminals—unbeknownst to anyone around here—Rose had experience with the upper elite of the Fenton County crime world. I wasn’t sure either of us would want to list that sort of thing on our résumés, but Rose wasn’t one bit naïve. Not anymore.
“I know you’re more worldly than Rose. Hell, most kids are more worldly than the woman I met a year ago.”
“She’s changed,” I said, getting frustrated that I’d headed the conversation down this path. “But that’s beside the point. The point is that I’ve lived with a lot of crap in my life, Joe. You know that. So why are you shielding me from this?”
He cupped the side of my face and gave me a pained smile. “Maybe I want to protect you because of everything youhavebeen through.”
It was a pretty story, but I wasn’t about to fall for it. If I had a nickel for every pretty story I’d been told, I’d be living in a mansion. No, people told me pretty stories for a host of reasons, none of which ever seemed to benefitme. “Is this about Kate?”
His body froze; then he dropped his hand. “Why do you ask?”
Because she keeps sending me letters. There’s one in my hand right now.
I set it down like it had burned me.
“You’ve babied me ever since we went to visit her.”
“How could I not?” he said in exasperation. “I willingly took you to see our psycho sister, then sat there while she tormented you by withholding information about your mother. She was purposely cruel, and she hurt you. I felt responsible, Neely Kate.” A smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “I’ve missed out on a lot of years of watching over you. Just makin’ up for lost time.”
“Well, quit. I’m a grown woman. I face my problems head-on.” Which was an outright lie. Otherwise, I would have done something about the letters. Rose had practically begged me to tell Joe about them, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’d spent five years trying to bury the misdeeds of my past. Now they were rearing their ugly heads, and I was starting to panic. I’d finally gotten everything I’d ever wanted—a family who loved me and a pastime that fascinated me, no matter how many times Rose told me we weren’t real detectives—and I was close to having it all snatched away because of my half sister’s schemes.
Joe grabbed my shoulders and stooped to look me in the eyes. “I’m not ashamed of you. You’re the least reprehensible of the three Simmons siblings. Hell, you’d be canonized as a saint if people held us up side by side.”
No, there’d be no chance of that happening. Not if people found out what I’d done.
My cell phone rang on my desk, and I broke from Joe’s hold to check the number.Rose.
“I have to take this. She’s probably calling about an order mixup we’re dealing with.”
“Okay . . .” He looked reluctant to leave. “You’re right. I’m trying to protect you from Kate. I have no proof that she’s up to something, but I can justfeelit.” He shook his head. “I didn’t want to tell you because it sounds paranoid. Kate is locked up tight for years, yet I’m scared to death she’s going to find a way to hurt you,” he said. “I know it sounds crazy, and like I’m being overprotective, but I’ve learned to trust my gut, and my gut tells me she’s going to hurt you.”
His gut was right.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, burying my face into his chest. I had no idea how long it would be before he turned away from me, so I was going to savor every moment I could.
“Hey,” he said gently, leaning back to study my face. “This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you. Now you’re scared.”
I swatted his chest. “That’s not why I’m hugging you, you idiot. I’m hugging you because I’m overwhelmed by how sweet you are.”
The phone stopped ringing, but neither of us commented on it.
A huge grin spread across his face. “So now would probably be a bad time to tell you the real reason I stopped by.”
I playfully lifted an eyebrow. “And what’s that?”
“I need to run to Magnolia to look for kitchen cabinets. I wanted you to come.”
“But I’m working.”
“After you get off. We can grab dinner too.”
“Just you and me?”
He hesitated. “Were you wanting Rose to come too?”