Page 20 of Trailer Trash
“Why?” I looked up at him and demanded, “Whywould you help me?”
He hesitated, then said, “Because you’re Rose’s friend.”
His answer made sense and my fluctuating emotions made none, yet I was still hurt to the core. I gave a knowing nod. “Because of Rose.”
“Neely Kate.”
I shook my head. “I’m not doing this. I’m not going to be Kate’s little puppet.”
“What does that mean?”
“If you think I’m going to come back here with you week after week and watch you two make out or worse, you have another think coming!”
Surprise filled his eyes and he leaned closer, lowering his voice. “What part of watching us make out would bother you?”
Me and my stupid mouth.
I backed up until the wall stopped me, but Jed advanced until he was only inches away. He leaned down, his face so close he would barely have to move to kiss me. “I don’t want to make out with Kate Simmons.”
“Well, I guess you havesomestandards,” I conceded dryly.
To my surprise, he laughed.
“We can’t do this, Jed,” I said, more to convince myself than him.
His amusement vanished, but he didn’t back out of my personal space. “We have to come back here, NK.”
I shook my head. “Maybe you do, but I don’t.”
The elevator door opened, and I gave Jed a shove as I walked out of the elevator. An elderly woman gave us a questioning look before she got on.
I needed to ditch Jed, but he was attached to me like a tick to a coon dog, and I had no doubt I’d lose a foot race. These sandals weren’t designed for running.
“We have a two-hour drive ahead,” I said. “I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Let’s get something to eat. You can go to the bathroom there.”
“I need to go now.”
“Okay.” He pointed to a restroom sign. “They’re that way. Let’s go.”
“What? Am I five years old? Wait in the lobby. I’ll be right back.”
He gave me a long look. “I’m not your enemy, Neely Kate.”
“I never said you were.”
“But you never said I wasn’t. I know you’re ashamed of—”
“Let’s continue this conversation when I get back.”
Disappointment washed over his face, but he nodded.
I spun on my heels and hurried away from him before I could change my mind. When I reached the restroom, I looked over my shoulder to make sure Jed wasn’t watching, then bolted down the hall and never looked back.
Chapter 7
Iknewmy escape had been too easy.