Page 17 of Trailer Trash
We were in an office. A desk sat in front of the window, and a wall of bookcases lined the wall to the left. Several diplomas lined the wall to the right. I took a closer look—Kristy Anne Tilton was a psychologist with a PhD from the University of Arkansas.
Jed motioned to the desk. “Take a seat.”
“Behind the desk?”
“We’re here for you.”
That wasn’t entirely true, but I supposed he wouldn’t be there without the excuse of accompanying me.
I tossed my bag behind the desk and had barely gotten settled in the chair when the door opened and Kate appeared. Just like the last time I’d seen her, she was wearing yoga pants and a fitted T-shirt. Her eyes widened when she saw us, and a rough laugh escaped her.
“This is a surprise, and those are so few and far between these days.”
Jed stood behind me as though he was my bodyguard. “Come in and have a seat, Kate.”
She looked amused by Jed’s command, but she walked in and let the door close behind her. Flopping down in one of the chairs across from the desk, she gave me a smirk. “Got yourself a new beau, Neely Kate?”
I kept my emotions hidden. “You wanted me here, so I’m here.”
“But not in the waiting room . . . I told you that we’re alike. Much more alike than you and Joe.”
I saw no reason to beat around the bush. “What do you know about Beasley?”
She laughed, a hysterical sound that bent her forward at the waist, making her look downright crazy. My back tensed as I waited for her to calm down. “Have you ever heard of small talk, sis?”
“I don’t see the point in making small talk about the weather. Especially since you only get to see it through a window.”
“Good one.” Her smirk spread. “How about girl talk? What do sisters normally chat about?”
“I have no idea,” I said, piercing her with my gaze. “I don’t have a sister.”
She covered her chest with her palm. “Ouch, Neely Kate, and here I thought we were bonding.”
“Bonding?” I spat in disgust. “This is not bonding. Sisters build a relationship based on love and trust. We have neither.”
“We could have love,little sister,” she said, her eyes lighting up with excitement. “But you refuse to love me. I loveyou.”
“You don’t love me. I suspect you’re incapable of love, let alone unconditional love.”
Her mouth scrunched into a mock frown, but her eyes twinkled. “Poor, poor Neely Kate. You of all people should have learned that unconditional love doesn’t exist.”
“What do you know about Beasley?”
She flung her arm wide and rested it on the arm of the chair. “The real question is what doyouknow about Beasley.”
Banging my hand on the desk, I lifted my butt out of my chair as I leaned forward. “Enough with the circular talk. What the hell do you want?”
A triumphant grin spread across her face, and I knew I’d messed up.
“Glad to see you finally realized who’s in control here,” she said.
I sat down and stayed silent.
“Good girl,” Kate said as though I were a disobedient dog. She waited several seconds before speaking, no doubt to get her point across. “I have to hand it to you, Neely Kate. You were good at covering everything up,verygood, but you misjudged Beasley.”
I tasted bile on my tongue.
“Go ahead and ask me, Neely Kate.”