Page 98 of Family Jewels
“They’re gonna attack my pool hall?” James asked.
Raddy’s head bobbed up and down.
“What about the sheriff? They’re not afraid of getting caught?”
“Buck’s planned a distraction, but I don’t know what it is.”
“Where’s the necklace?” James asked.
I shot a surprised glance at him, but his expression was unreadable.
“The shootout tonight was over that damn necklace,” James said. “Why’s it so important? Was it really your grandmother’s?”
Raddy looked like he was about to swallow a basketball. “No. And I didn’t bet it in no poker game either. I stole it from Buck after a poker game last month. I hid it with my grandmother’s jewelry, but then Rayna kicked me out and changed the locks. I stirred up shit with my momma, hoping she’d be able to get it back without letting Rayna know it was worth anything. But when I snuck into Momma’s house to steal it, the necklace wasn’t there.”
“Reynolds didn’t miss it?” James asked in disbelief.
“He kept it in a safe. He was showing it off to me and a couple of other guys, but someone walked in. I snatched it out while Buck was distracted. He shut the safe door and was none the wiser. I snatched a couple of smaller pieces too, but he’s most interested in the necklace.”
“Smaller pieces,” I said. “Like an owl pin?”
His eyes widened in surprise as he nodded.
“But when Buck realized it was missing, he had to know it was one of the three of you. How’d he pin it on you?”
“The other two guys ratted me out. He realized it was gone on Monday and gave me until Friday night to find it. That’s why I hired you and Neely Kate. I figured Rayna had it and you could convince her to give it back.”
“You hired them to find a necklace you stole? And put them in danger?” James asked, his voice as cold as ice.
“Rose and Neely Kate were never in any danger!” Raddy protested. “Buck never knew they were lookin’!”
“Until you told him,” I said. “He knows now.”
James looked like he was about to shoot Raddy and be done with it. “Why not break into your own house and get the damn thing yourself?”
“I tried that, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.”
I turned to Raddy. “Why did Buck kill Rayna if he was giving you until Friday to turn it over?”
“Because Trixie found out about it. She was gonna try to convince Rayna to split whatever they hawked it for. Buck must have caught wind of it and decided to step in sooner.”
I gave Raddy a scrutinizing look. “When I saw Rayna at Walmart, she didn’t look like a woman who thought she was sitting on thousands of dollars’ worth of jewelry.”
“She’d heard so many stories, she wasn’t sure what to believe,” Raddy said with tears in his eyes. “I know I cheated on her, but I loved her. I never wanted her dead.”
“Are you sure Buck killed her?” I asked.
“I thought so. I saw a guy running out. But when I confronted him tonight, he swore he didn’t do it.”
“Then who did?” I asked.
“I don’t know.” His voice broke. “No one else had a reason to.”
“Do you believe him?” I asked.
He looked torn. “He had no reason to lie to me. He’s admitted to killin’ people before. He threatened to kill me if I don’t deliver the necklace, but he said he wouldn’t waste his time killing Rayna.”
I shot a glance to James, but he was wearing his crime king face—expressionless and scary at the same time.