Page 90 of Family Jewels
When I was less than five minutes from the plant, I figured it was as good a time as any to give James a heads-up. I drew up his number and hit the call button, then put it on speaker and rested the phone on my lap.
He answered on the second ring, his voice tense. “Rose.”
“I’m okay,” I said. “But I’m about to do something that I might need help with.”
“Anything at three a.m. is bound to be trouble.”
“You’re right . . .” I hesitated, trying to figure out the best way to say this without embarrassing either one of us. “I’m meeting Radcliffe Dyer.”
“What the hell for?”
“He says he needs my help.”
“Then tell him to go fu—”
“James.He’s going to tell people that you . . .” I forced myself to continue. “He says he knows you care about me because of how you acted in the barn.” And just then it occurred to me that I’d never tried to dispute it. I could attribute my stupidity to the fact that I’d been roused from a deep sleep, but that one slip of judgment might cost both of us more than we were willing to pay.
“When and where are you supposed to meet him?” His voice was calm and cold, but a slight hitch told me he was furious.
“He told me I had thirty minutes, which means I have ten. I’ll have about five minutes to spare.”
“You turn around and go home. Just tell me where you’re meeting him, and I’ll take care of it.”
“No,” I said, my voice rising. “What are you gonna do?”
“I’m gonna take care of it.”
I knew exactly what that meant. “No. I’lltake care of it.”
“By talking to him?” he asked, sounding incredulous. “By having a vision?”
That pissed me off. “You sure as hell appreciated my visions and my negotiatin’ skills last winter.”
“That was different!” he barked in my ear.
“How the hell was it different?”
“If Dyer spreads this around, you’ll have a bull’s-eye painted on your back. You’ll be my Achilles’ heel. When you were working as Lady last winter, no one knew who the hell you were.”
“This is deadly serious, Rose. If this gets out, I’ll have to claim you to protect you.”
“You claimed me before,” I huffed. “When I first started working for you. You said you claimed me to protect me then.”
“That was different. I claimed your business. This time I’d have to claimyou.”
“And would that be so bad, James?”
“It would be a goddamned disaster.”
Tears stung my eyes. I was about to give him a stinging retort, but I saw flashing red lights in my rearview mirror. “I’m getting pulled over. I have to go.”
“By Simmons?” I was surprised he sounded hopeful.
“No, I’m still inside the city limits.” Although barely. I’d already skirted around downtown and was on the road leading to the plant. I was probably less than a mile away. “I wasn’t speeding. I don’t know why I’m getting pulled over.” I slowed down and turned on my blinker.
“That damned Henryetta Police Department is full of a bunch of idiots. Now where the hell is your meeting? We can’t let that fool Dyer spread the word.”