Page 69 of Family Jewels

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Page 69 of Family Jewels

Levi’s plate was mostly empty, and when I took a bite of my chicken, I wasn’t surprised that it had become cold. I set my fork down and picked up my water glass. I needed to turn the focus from my lengthy absence, if that was even possible. “Levi, what’s been your most interesting case as a vet?”

He stared at me for a moment, as though shocked by the sudden request, but then he launched into a funny story about a cat and its unlikely tormentor—a hamster. While I listened, I marveled over his reaction to my ten-minute disappearance. He hadn’t asked any questions, nor did he seem particularly upset. I couldn’t help wondering why.

The waitress returned with a dessert menu, and although I was desperate to go home and tell Neely Kate about my encounter with Burt and Trixie, I decided an extra twenty minutes wasn’t going to change anything. Jed was right. They’d left me with plenty of questions, but neither of them had given me any evidence I could use to press for an arrest.

If Levi noticed my anxiety, he didn’t let on. He carried the conversation easily, telling me stories about his four years in veterinary school at the University of Missouri and asking questions about the daily routine of running a landscaping business.

When the waitress walked over with a black bill folder, I had a moment of panic since I’d told the bartender to send me the bill for the drinks, but she winked at me as she set the bill down in front of Levi. “Everythingwas covered tonight.”

“Thanks for bringing the bill, even if you didn’t charge us, Alisha,” Levi said, pulling out his wallet. “I wanted to tip you accordingly.”

“Thank you, Dr. Romano,” she said. “I really appreciate that.” She smiled at both of us. “You two make a cute couple.” Then she turned on her heel and walked over to another table.

“Why do I have a feeling half the town will know about our date tomorrow?” he asked with a laugh and placed a twenty-dollar bill on top of the receipt in the open folder.

“Because you’re a smart man,” I said as I scanned what I could of the upside down receipt.

Sure enough, there was a Long Island iced tea and an additional glass of wine at the bottom.

I glanced back up at Levi. “Regretting this impromptu date?”

A slow smile spread across his face. “While I may have asked you to dinner on short notice, I can assure you it was far from impromptu. And as far as regret . . . there’s absolutely none. Ready to go?”

I nodded and he stood, reaching a hand toward me to help me up. I wondered why he hadn’t said anything about the additional drinks at the bottom. Maybe he hadn’t seen them, or maybe he’d thought they were on there by mistake.

The sun had begun to set by the time we walked out to the parking lot, and the sky was particularly spectacular tonight—reds and pinks and oranges blending together and mixing with the deep indigo on the horizon. My fingers itched to text James and tell him to take a look at it—we’d begun planning our Tuesday night meetings at sunset after he’d admitted he’d never sat and watched one. Ever since, I’d texted him whenever I saw one that was particularly dazzling. But I couldn’t do that now. What in the world was wrong with me? I was out on a date with another man.

Levi and I walked to his truck. He didn’t hold my hand this time, and even though I was a little relieved, I couldn’t help wondering if he’d decided to cut his losses.

The drive to the town square was silent, setting my nerves on edge.

“Do you like Henryetta?” I asked to fill the silence. “I know you loved it as a kid, but does it meet your expectations?”

He stopped at a stop sign and turned to me with a soft smile. “It got off with a bumpy start, but things seem to be settling in.”

I had a feeling “the bumpy start” comment might have more to do with our date than his move. Was he still interested? Did I even want him to be? The rest of the short drive was silent until he pulled into the parking space next to my truck.

“Thanks for coming to dinner with me, Rose,” he said. “And thank you for an entertaining evening.”

Entertaining. I suspected that wasn’t a good adjective for a romantic dinner. “Thank you,” I said, feeling awkward. I’d completed my firstrealfirst date—the kind you go on with a near stranger—and while I was proud of my accomplishment, I was suddenly anxious about what he expected of me now. A goodnight kiss? I wasn’t ready for that, and I wasn’t going to be coerced into it. Rose Gardner was taking charge of her own life now. “Good night, Levi. Thank you for a nice dinner.”

Had I really saidnicedinner? I stopped myself from rolling my eyes, then opened the door and scrambled out before he could ask me for another date—as though he’d ask for one now.

“Good night, Rose,” he called after me, but I cut him off when I shut the door.


Like the gentleman he appeared to be, he waited until I got into my truck and started the engine. I lifted a hand and gave him a small wave. His warm smile assured me that my abrupt departure hadn’t upset him, but I was still grateful when he drove off in the opposite direction. The last thing I wanted to do was to keep exchanging awkward glances with him all the way home. I wondered if he was living with his grandparents or if he’d found his own place. The latter was more likely. Why hadn’t I asked him? Had I asked enough questions? Had I been too awkward?

But more importantly, did I like him? I’d backed out of his truck like my dress had caught fire, but maybe that was just nerves . . . I didn’t have an answer. These seemed like questions for Neely Kate’s expertise.

I was halfway home on the nearly deserted stretch of county highway my farm sat off of when I heard a low male voice behind me.

“I thought you were smarter than this.”

Startled, I turned to look over my shoulder and nearly drove off the road in the process. My anger exploded when I found myself staring into James’ expressionless face. I pulled over to the shoulder and slammed the truck into park.

“What in Sam Hill are you doin’, James Malcolm?”

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